Making 5 Meals With Peanut Butter

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How far can peanut butter go? And so, this is the beginning of an adventure called Condiment Craze, where I try to explore the full …

34 replies
  1. OberK
    OberK says:

    As a Dutchie I can confirm : bread with a simple satay sauce is not only delicious, over here it's one of the most common party snacks.

  2. Joy Herting
    Joy Herting says:

    I've actually made versions of almost all these. There was this place in California near where I worked that had cold peanut sesame noodles that were so good. When learning how to cook a little bit healthier I found a recipe that has a bunch of veggies added to it so I can eat more of it. I hadn't made it for a long time and I made it last summer and just ate it for a couple days along with some chicken, I've also torn up chicken and just had it as a all-in-one type cold meal great for picnic or party. It uses peanut butter and sesame oil to get a thick nutty flavor almost like if you were to use tahini. My friend took me to a place in Pueblo and they had this cold spicy vinegar cucumber salad but she didn't know the name of it and she wanted me to try it and recreate it and instead I pretty much just ate all her salad in the car, I've made a version that I can enjoy a couple days that takes almost no time. I grew up eating so much Asian food it's just ingrained in my being like so many of the other things that people probably think are more specialty and I just grew up with a lot of ethnic friends. I started cooking very young and paying attention learning how to cook and bake and I need for my young age I wanted to be a chef and that's what I did right out of high school, unfortunately I've been told by the occupational therapist I'll never be able to go back to my field because of the DV that I went through and the permanent damage I have

  3. Bihari Sauce
    Bihari Sauce says:

    One of my favourite recipes is a savoury peanut butter toast… On a multigrain bread add a generous amount of caramelized onion top it with salt pepper n sriracha sauce… !!! You'll never go back after this

  4. vanessa meow18
    vanessa meow18 says:

    I hope can do a video of 24hr of Indonesia food of Asian or 24hr of Japanese food ❤️ love this series so much n love it so much that I can learn n made it to eat ❤️

  5. Ryan Lim
    Ryan Lim says:

    You can try adding around a tablespoon of minced/crushed pineapple into the satay sauce after the sauce is cooked (so it becomes like a yellow circle in the middle of the brown peanut sauce), it's quite common in Singapore satay sauce and it helps to cut the richness and gives another dimension of flavour.

  6. Sohi Mistry
    Sohi Mistry says:

    I love it Inga, but why not try some dishes that are not inspired by southeast asian cuisine? For instance, a peanut butter based mole sauce. Or peanut butter chicken tikka masala.

  7. Christopher Todesco
    Christopher Todesco says:

    Ketchup– I absolutely hate it as a condiment on anything including burgers, hot dogs, and fries (except baked on meatloaf) but it's a combination of ingredients that goes in so many things so it's a great starter sauce.

  8. Nostalgia Rains
    Nostalgia Rains says:

    I LOVE watching her cook but our tastebuds just are not on the same wavelength when it comes to sugar. 🥴 I am not a fan of her use of sugar but I digress I still watched the whole video and enjoyed it 🙂

  9. sdfE36
    sdfE36 says:

    i add 2 tbsp of peanut butter to my Chilli to thicken it up, as well as add a really nice sweetness and nuttiness that rounds out the spice profile without defaulting to adding a ton of sugar to it.

  10. Yunhee Keough
    Yunhee Keough says:

    I would love to see you try and use a Gochujang Korean chili paste or Dwenjang Korean soybean paste. It would be fun to see you experiment with strong flavored condiments that I feel people aren’t as familiar with.

  11. memyselfiamweird
    memyselfiamweird says:

    Condiment suggestion: A Taiwanese friend of mine introduced me to this incredible shrimp paste, which they used to make Fried Rice – but I have no idea how else it could be used. I would love to see you explore it (and one day, I need to go to Taiwan myself for a proper schooling!)


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