Making 4 Dinners for $20 from Dollar Tree | Budget Meals that Serve 2 to 3 | Dollar Tree Dinners

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Shopping List: Instant mashed potatoes $1.25 Beef patties $1.25 Canned Corn $1.25 Country Gravy Mix $1.25 Pizza Crust $1.25 …

28 replies
  1. Reo White
    Reo White says:

    A local pizz chain called PIZZA INN has a breakfast pizza very similar to what you made and its great. They also have a loaded baked potato pizza that I must order every time. The sauce is ranch based. Sliced potatos. Bacon cheese and green onion. I cant stress enough how good it is. U need to make your version of it

  2. Tisha Trim
    Tisha Trim says:

    I'm so happy I found your channel. My new obsession ๐Ÿ˜ I was wondering if your Dollar Tree carries Golden Trust chicken turnovers. I tried the Jamaican style but couldn't get it to microwave without being tough. If your Dollar Tree carries then could you possibly review them some time? Thanks for all the recipes and ideas.

  3. Copeland
    Copeland says:

    So glad I found this video โ€ผ๏ธ Struggle has been real this year. This will help me with the last week's stretch until my next paycheck. Thank you.

  4. Kayla M. J.
    Kayla M. J. says:

    My husband has always had to put corn in his mashed potatoes and gravy. Of all our 15 yrs together Iโ€™ve never seen him eat them separate from each other. And growing up my dad would make Shepherdโ€™s Pie quite often. Heโ€™d make it whenever we had left over mashed potatoes. But heโ€™d switch up the filling, sometimes brown gravy, ground beef and various veggies. Heโ€™s also done a tomato based sauce and also a cream of mushroom in stead of gravy. Heโ€™s also made it with left over beef pot roast instead of ground beef.

  5. Tinamarie Bartley
    Tinamarie Bartley says:

    Thank you! These meals all look great and Iโ€™m about to do the breakfast pizza on some wraps! I love your delivery I love your accessibility concerns as well as pricing concerns! Keep on doing what youโ€™re doing! Always looking forward to your new videos! You make my day! ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน

  6. Jeremy Wilson
    Jeremy Wilson says:

    Doing the breakfast pizza for dinner tonight so thank you for another great idea…annnnd idk if you remember but from the other comment I made on a previous video of course while I was there I had to get more of the burritos to make the smothered burritos. Still my go to after that vid lol

    Thanks as always!

  7. jnikki_7
    jnikki_7 says:

    Definitely try the breakfast pizza! I usually use crescent rolls to make a dough. Never would of thought to use a DT crust. Where is your first pizza video, YT or TT?


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