Making 2 different types of baby food | 8+ months | Autumn Chicken & Garden Zucchini Chicken

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AUTUM CHCIKEN 2 cups cubed butternut squash 1 cup cubed potatoes — I used russet potatoes 1/3 cup chicken breast, cubed 1 …

31 replies
  1. Gaming Foodie
    Gaming Foodie says:

    Baby food maker:

    Baby food storage container:

    2 cups cubed butternut squash
    1 cup cubed potatoes — I used russet potatoes
    1/3 cup chicken breast, cubed
    1 tsp olive oil
    *Your liquid could be: breast milk, formula or the liquid released from the food).

    1. Steam everything until chicken is cooked through
    2. Then add everything into a blender, liquid and 1 tsp of olive oil then blend. How much liquid you add depends on your desired consistency
    3. Store up to 3 days in the fridge or freeze for 6 months

    1.5 cups cubed zucchini
    1/2 cup cubed potato
    1/3 cup cubed chicken breast
    1 pat of butter
    Dill to taste
    *Your liquid could be: breast milk, formula or the liquid released from the food

    1. Steam everything until chicken is cooked thru
    2. Then add everything into a blender along with a pat of butter, dill and liquid. Then blend everything to your desired consistency
    3. Store up to 3 days in the fridge or freeze for 6 months

  2. Helen Clair
    Helen Clair says:

    I so wish I could afford this machine !!!! I try do my best to make my baby’s foods even if I steam mash/ etc

    This would be so more convenient for us. As I’m expecting our third child and my second still eats purées

  3. James
    James says:

    damn, i don’t have kids and this machine seemed cool at first but the need to dump it out and one side blending makes it really pointless

    is there something that you can just throw ingredients in, cook, and blend automatically?

  4. Everglades Ridge Family
    Everglades Ridge Family says:

    So during the steaming process some of the heavy metals that are inherently in the vegetables from the growing process leach out into the water. Therefore you should toss the steaming water and just use fresh water in the recipe..

  5. R C
    R C says:

    That might come in handy for later in life …if and when you start losing your teeth haha…or when you have some type of jaw,gum surgery n can’t eat solids


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