Making 🌱vegan🌿 Thanksgiving foods I’ve never tried before 🍠🍗

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49 replies
  1. emily ewing
    emily ewing says:

    youtube is doin some new stuff with the ads so i'd appreciate if u guys replied to this comment with how many ads you got on this video!
    or if u can't remember how many.. just lmk if it seemed like a lot, a little, or regular lol

  2. SakuraSamael
    SakuraSamael says:

    Oh yeah, definitely on board with the sweet potato casserole being better than pie. It's so much easier, too! I don't have any family, so I only just got to start cooking holiday meals when I began dating my boyfriend a few years back. It's just a little dinner for the two of us, but man, still so much of a time sink. It can be fun in its own way if you enjoy cooking (and I do), but I absolutely do not judge anyone doing the store-bought versions. If it saves your sanity and lets you enjoy the holiday with people you love, then it's worth the potentially higher cost as far as I'm concerned.

    Also, vegan food is growing every day, but the market is still comparatively small, so buying your favorite stuff – especially specialty/holiday – is a good way to show the manufacturers and retail market that there's a demand for those products, thereby encouraging them to make more in quantity, quality, and variety and allow more shelf space. Win win!

  3. Jones LeFae
    Jones LeFae says:

    Don’t feel bad if you’ve never made your own Tofurkey. I have been vegetarian for 35 years and vegan for several of those and I have enjoyed Tofurkey almost every Thanksgiving, but I have never made my own. I think the reason people think that Tofurkey is not good is because they don’t know how to cook it right. I have a video all about it but let’s just say the marinade you use and the container you bake it in is very important and then it will be so tasty and delicious, even the non-vegans. Love it!

  4. Zepzour
    Zepzour says:

    there are seitan recipes you don't have to steam. I use 86 Eats turkey deli slices recipe on the regular. Takes only 30 mins to toss everything in the food processor, then you bake it for an hour. Super easy and hands off. You are supposed to refrigerate it for a bit but sometimes I just slice straight into it. I think maybe could toss in the freezer for a little to firm faster

  5. Laura Z
    Laura Z says:

    I so prefer sweet potato pie to pumpkin. Pro tip from a Southern Mama. Individually wrap those sweet potatoes in foil and roast them in the oven until they are super soft. (You can rinse of and recycle the foil with your cans). Once they are cooled, peel them and then procede with your pie recipe. The roasting has the effect of removing extra moisture, but also concentrating and caramelizing the natural sugars. Also much easier than peeling.

  6. Sara
    Sara says:

    I think your oven is probably running at a temp way higher than it says for that sweet potato pie to have burned like that. An oven thermometer would be a worthwhile investment!

  7. Cass
    Cass says:

    You're like a beginner's introduction to the US bc you're so nice but also sometimes American food is scary. After one of ur vids I googled coffee creamer and I don't understand it. Love you tho!!

  8. grumpy garlic
    grumpy garlic says:

    I worked as a baker at a pie shop for a year and if the crust was getting too dark we would just make a crust guard thingie out of foil. It was kind of hard to get it on tight enough without burning yourself but once it was on it worked pretty well.

  9. So Yeah.
    So Yeah. says:

    I love your Thanksgiving videos! That cheesecake looks bomb! I’ve only ever made a raw cashew based cheesecake and I didn’t like it that much but yours looks like actual cheesecake 👍🏼

  10. Speedy Marie
    Speedy Marie says:

    Just watched Sauce Stache make a tofu stuffing roll, and then watched your lovely wonderful holiday video – it’s definitely time for Thanksgiving!!! Thank you for making a lot of people happy 😁


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