Make your own bone broth!

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21 replies
  1. CarnivoreMD
    CarnivoreMD says:

    Many people drink bone broth to help heal by providing amino acids like glycine to aid in gut repair…

    But many bone broths contain ingredients that can be irritating the gut- the complete opposite of what we are hoping for!

    These ingredients are things like black and red pepper, both of which can cause microbleeding in the stomach when viewed with direct endoscopy…

    That’s not good!

    We also know that nightshade spices like paprika, and cayenne pepper can cause leaky gut by opening tight junctions between GI epithelial cells…

    If your gut is already inflamed, even things like onion, garlic and other spices can also cause issues…

    What’s the fix?

    Make your own bone broth!!

    How? Simple, take purified water (I use reverse osmosis water, no I don’t worry about it “pulling minerals” from my body, my food is FULL of minerals!) and combine with bones with connective tissue…

    Knuckle bones work best…

    Instant pot for a few hours, or crock pot for 8 hours and voila! You’ve got a simple bone broth that is rich in glycine and collagen (an three amino acid peptide usually composed of glycine, praline, and hydroxyproline)…

    If you really want to heal your gut combine this simple bone broth with and #animalbased diet of meat, organs (fresh or @heartandsoilsupplements) fruit, honey and raw dairy!

    Welcome to #theremembering

  2. Bob Dylan
    Bob Dylan says:

    Genuinely wrong in every word you said. Can you not read? Cause it's embarrassing watching you explain a study you don't understand.

    PLEASE go back to school and learn how to read studies. Black fucking pepper does not cause damage to the gut. That's extreme and hypotheticals lol. It has no actual notable effect on digestion in quantities that literally anyone on planet earth could ever possibly intake.

  3. Oily Seal
    Oily Seal says:

    I’m sorry sir but a lot of your research can be debunked just by looking up research yourself…some of the chemicals you said were defense mechanisms in veggies and certain foods…have been shown to help with cancer treatment among other health benefits and spice has always been known to have benefits for you because we’ve adapted over the hundreds of years of using them to USE THEM literally anyone do your own research and you’ll see this guy is kind of a liar

  4. michael mcsorley
    michael mcsorley says:

    Anyone that takes this as fact needs sentenced to life🤣🤣🤣 seriously, nightshade..onion?
    Black pepper causing damage confirmed by a study older than the internet?🤣🙄 Poundland liver king comes to mind, atleast liver king fakes it

  5. Andreas Casablancas
    Andreas Casablancas says:

    Reverse osmosis water!!! For regular consumption? Do you even know the process of it vs. That of regular tap water… also you are wrong just citing these articles, how about you actually read them instead of cherry picking arguments to fit your narrative.
    Yeah, people eat onions, pepper and other chilis and they don't die from "microbleeding" because our entire body suffers this MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY. It's a natural phenomena and that's why we have coagulation factors in our blood.

    Everyone listening to this Bozo, have some common sense. You're not dying or shortening your life span from eating those ingredients. But if you want to save money and learn a new technique DO make your own soup. Just don't think all these things are getting you unhealthy

  6. Nizzle
    Nizzle says:

    This dude is miserable. Doesn’t even know how to season his food because pepper under certain circumstances may lead to a leaky gut according to this one study from this one time.


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