Make Seared Shrimp With Tomato, Lime, and Avocado in 15 Minutes | Today's Special

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Today, Ashley makes Seared Shrimp With Tomato, Lime, and Avocado, which is the kind of dish you make when you don’t feel like eating a big, heavy meal.

32 replies
  1. bc14973
    bc14973 says:

    Something about the way she said β€œin your neighbor’s garden” made it sound like she sneaks into her neighbor’s garden in the middle of the night to steal tomatoes. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£. The recipe looks great! Will definitely be trying this one out!

  2. Sam Paul
    Sam Paul says:

    Ahhh.. Don't toss the stems. Cilantro haters can tolerate the stem of a cilantro and lovers still get the flavor without the 'gag weed' reflex. My husband is a hater…but he'll buy bunch cilantro and throw away the leaf using only the stem minced in Thai curries and Salsas. In fact in the Thai Cook books we have they call for 'stem and root' only in classic thai cooking.

  3. Thomas Hughes
    Thomas Hughes says:

    4:25 – Pro Tip: Pinch the nut off the knife by placing your thumb and forefinger up against the nut from the spine of the knife and nudge it off the blade. Pulling it off the blade with the other hand can "rebound" and cut you. Yes, I'm Mexican, and I eat at least one "aguacate" daily. Just sharing. πŸ₯‘πŸ‘†

  4. faith nelson
    faith nelson says:

    Hi ATK and Ashley. a few of us noticed that you tossed the cilantro stems. i know they may not be the right texture for this dish, but they are very flavorful and useable.
    would you mind making a video on how to curb waste? how to use things many just throw away? most people already know about stock, but you could even include some veg that re-grow themselves.

  5. Brenda Fain
    Brenda Fain says:

    Thanks for the great recipe, chef. My son loves shrimp, avocado, spice, and tomatoes. He would definitely step over his Nanny to get this dish. She'd trip him along the way. Happy Holidays. God bless.

  6. Mayday Garden
    Mayday Garden says:

    Looks good! I could see turning this into a fresh ceviche using smaller shrimp (or rough chop bigger ones) and marinating them first in lime juice & Tajin before adding to the tomato mixture, and serve it uncooked of course. P.S. tsk tsk Ashley for throwing those cilantro stems away!


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