Magical Benefits Of Millets | I Cured My Diabetes in Just 3 Months – Dr. Vivek Joshi

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Magical Benefits Of Millets | I Cured My Diabetes in Just 3 Months -Dr. Vivek Joshi For good quality selective organic products visit …

30 replies
  1. @np077
    @np077 says:

    Extensive millet farming has replaced other crops/plantations. Is it a healthy trend? Wouldn't intensive millet consumption cause hormonal imbalance?

  2. @swaransingh2827
    @swaransingh2827 says:

    It’s great information but not coherently narrated. Dr Joshi should publish a sum up. All this information was presented to us by padmashree Dr. khader Valli. Happy to know that people are applying his knowledge and benefitting from sridhanya millets.

  3. @trezanamala7046
    @trezanamala7046 says:

    Dr can you give us the ingredients in the description box 🙏🏿. No offence but I am finding it difficult to understand everything that this lady is saying though I think she is talking from first hand experience. Love from 🇬🇧

  4. @scorpionsagi
    @scorpionsagi says:

    Dr. Vivek, this content is absolute gem. As most of the content these days on social media is looking for western validation, this content clearly focuses on science behind our good old Indian millets. I also like how respectful, humble and involved in the whole process of exploring this topic.

  5. @akshara8812
    @akshara8812 says:

    After much research, here is my opinion:

    What does it mean to be 'Cured from Diabetes' or to have 'reversed my Diabetes'?


    1. I have stopped taking diabetic-related medication.

    2. My blood sugar level is within the normal range.

    3. This was achieved by changing my lifestyle (eating habits and exercise).


    Does it mean "Can I eat my regular food that I used to eat before I was diagnosed with diabetes?" -> No.

    Does it mean "If I switch back to my old lifestyle, will my sugar level be normal?" -> No, it will shoot up.

  6. @englishvillage9464
    @englishvillage9464 says:

    Why some people are Spreading fake news that they have cured diabetis though they have controlled it. Sometimes I find it ridiculous that they are talking like that, As though charak, bagbhat and Sushrut they didn't known what is milet and you discovered it overnight and took it for three months and cured diabetis.. Actually they are giving false hope to people suffering from it. So Don't use the word be truthful..Truly what is cured say it cured otherwise not say cure..don't mislead people..


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