Low cost January, taking inventory of my freezers & making meal plan. Shop your home first.

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15 replies
  1. Rhonda v
    Rhonda v says:

    Forgot to say – when i freeze packs of meat i also write the 'date' on there!
    And when i open a new container of sour cream, salad dressings, salsa, i write the 'date' it was first opened on the lid or on back of container so can keep track of how long items have been in there.
    i had to do that in a place i use to work at. started doing that at home and it helps alot!

  2. Pickle Vamp
    Pickle Vamp says:

    Yeah my husband does that too…he says he loves something…then months later he changes it all up…saying it's to herby tasting or he doesn't like it that way…when it was his favorite way🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  3. Lisa Marx
    Lisa Marx says:

    Wow Linda your gonna save alot for awhile so glad the football player is doing better lots of prayers for him from all over… He's alive for a reason hope God shows him the path….

  4. Lisa Marx
    Lisa Marx says:

    Hi Linda eating out of my freezer and cabinets made sweet and sour meatballs and rice tonight…. I like when I clean out and find food I forgot I had lol….. It's gonna save me money…


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