Low Carb Pecan Pie Cheesecake

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While this pecan pie cheesecake didn’t turn out exactly as I’d hoped it would look, I’m really pleased with it. In spite of what I say in the video, follow the …

21 replies
  1. Helen Stamenkovic
    Helen Stamenkovic says:

    Happy Holidays Kristie! I have been wondering now that you are Keto do you have the same menu each different holiday year to year? Or, are you doing new menus on the holidays. I would like to see a video before each holiday where you give us your whole menu for that respective holiday. Planning and thinking of everyone is difficult and wonder how you plan that etc., etc. Hope you like the idea.

  2. April Taylor
    April Taylor says:

    As always, thanks for the wonderful video! And thank you in particular for the clarification on the oat fiber. I'll take your advice and see if that makes a difference. I wish you and your family the happiest and healthiest holiday season.

  3. Private Suzie
    Private Suzie says:

    Is your family totally on board re low carb lifestyle, and does anyone else in family have health issues this lifestyle helps with, like allergies, weight, etc When kids leave house do they follow low carb?

  4. Pamela Marie
    Pamela Marie says:

    I love yer videos!! I just subscribed about a week ago. I finally got to watch yer failure story. I cried. You give me so much hope and inspiration. I'm needing a lil help. I have alot of health issues too. 52 and over 300lbs. I've been doing Keto for about a month now. I hate the veggies that are allowed. What do I do?? I'm so scared this is gonna hurt me later on down the road. Any advice you can give would b so appreciated. I don't wanna die. My bf just broke up with me tonight cause he's afraid in the future I won't b around long. His previous wife died of a lot of the same complications as me. Oh well. This is the lifelong diet for me. Hope yiu n yer family had a wonderful Thanksgiving

  5. Linda Charron
    Linda Charron says:

    Thank you Kristie, for adding the recipe and measurements. I know you must have worked long to get that posted for us.. I'm in the process of making this right now. Although I don't have the maple flavoring, I hope it still works right.

  6. MsAguilar11
    MsAguilar11 says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!! Thank you for all your videos, have learned a great deal watching them! I just got my order of oat fiber today.. excited to try making biscuits for my family this weekend!! 💛

  7. Maiden Minnesota
    Maiden Minnesota says:

    This sounds absolutely divine! One of my favorite pies at Bakers Square used to be Caramel Pecan Silk Supreme, which was like French Silk, pecan pie and cheesecake together in pie form. I don't know why I don't make cheesecake more often. We love it, and it's SO easy! This one looks really good. I'll definitely have to try it. Also really excited to hear you have another book coming out!

  8. Maiden Minnesota
    Maiden Minnesota says:

    Kristie: Cream cheese is probably closer to 1.5g carbs. The reason you're seeing some brands with 1g and others with 2g is because the USDA allows for rounding on labels. It's up to the discretion of the manufacturer if they want to round up or down, but they are allowed to round. There is no "formula" to cream cheese, but there is a formula to labeling and the labeling laws.

  9. michelle connelly
    michelle connelly says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to your wonderful family! I do not mind having a pen in hand to write it all down because it just looks so yummy! This will be made at Christmas time, or maybe in between the holidays. I am thinking of making it in a 9 x 13 pan to take advantage of the syrup layer. YUMMY


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