Low-Carb Ice Cream Alternative- 2 Min Bulgarian Yogurt Recipes

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49 replies
  1. Ellie L
    Ellie L says:

    This whole video is an ad. Please warn people when you are posting advertising videos. I don’t mind someone slipping in the name of their favorite brand but this was about nothing else.

  2. Silja Barkardóttir
    Silja Barkardóttir says:

    Icelandic skyr is not yogurt. It's a different product, even though both have Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Yeasts are the deciding factor in the skyr making process, and what makes it different from yogurt. Skyr has about 3x more protein than yogurt, less fat and I'm not sure you can get the real thing except in Iceland and even here (I'm Icelandic and live in Iceland) you have to search if you want to find the old, traditional skyr, which is much thicker and tastes quite different from the newer, more common skyr you can buy at the store and does, yes, remind one of yogurt.

  3. Jude M
    Jude M says:

    I got an electric ice cream maker for free. It has a freezing element in it. Put a big carton of yogurt in there with some Stevia, add some berries, and let it twirl. Divine!

  4. Marianna
    Marianna says:

    Yes it does seem he's trying to make us rush out and pay whatever overly high price charged for his obscure brand yoghurt. Bad luck for him those brands are not available in my country. But this sort of nonsense is what puts people off the keto diet.

  5. Julia L
    Julia L says:

    I don't even see Bulgarian yogurt anywhere. Trader Joe's/ There's like literally none of these stores near me. Not driving 2 hr roundtrip for a yogurt. 🙁 Such a popular city I live in.. can't believe they wouldn't think of putting any here.

  6. Darcek BlueEyes
    Darcek BlueEyes says:

    Milk is keto friendly? thats news to me.. Heres what a simple google search gave me like I though: Milk is not keto friendly because it contains high amounts of sugar in the form of lactose. Milk may fit in to a lower-carb diet, but it contains too many carbs for a traditional keto lifestyle.

  7. Chris K
    Chris K says:

    here you see again that you can make very simple things very complicated hahahahaha and sorry this has nothing, nothing, nothing to do with an ice cream!!!!

  8. Marcia Lockhart
    Marcia Lockhart says:

    I buy the Bulgarian yogurt in the glass jar that you pictured in the opening of this video. I love the flavor and can eat it without added sweeteners of any kind. After trying a few other plain whole milk yogurts, that one is actually semi sweet to me. I have lost my taste for sugar and approved sweeteners and end up adding only a quarter amount that is listed in recipes (or none).

  9. Shred Boise
    Shred Boise says:

    Pecans are cheaper and a better omega three profile… yup, pili nuts, just another over priced over hyped keto market product. Affordable yogurt… any organic, unsweetened, plain, whole milk yogurt. I'll splurge on Lindt 95% dark cacao.

  10. Mama Mochi
    Mama Mochi says:

    I adore you Thomas but yogurt is not a good replacement for ice cream. It doesn't cut my craving. Cream, egg yolks and monk fruit put into a lil ice cream maker is a great replacement and I can add keto protein. 😉

  11. Elliott Linnane
    Elliott Linnane says:

    Hey thomas what are your thoughts on ‘salmon protein powder’ by Amata power. They claim Keto friendly ingredients look legit, it would be great if maybe you could give us a run down on this product.


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