Low Carb Almond Cake Sugarfree! Glutenfree!

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How to make a sugarfree and gluten free Almond Cake. You can make this with just few ingredients and without electric …

28 replies
  1. @christenascott5280
    @christenascott5280 says:

    Wait one freaking moment. I just looked up on Google do you know how many carbs is in 1 cup of almond flour? Buckle your seatbelt 28 g! How can this be low carb! Sure the Stevia makes it sugar-free, but the carbs are out of sight. I’d suggest you make some of that sugar free low-carb fudge that only has two carbs per slice. Of course you could slice your almond bread really super thin but to get 28 carbs out of an 8 x 4 x 2 loaf! Thank you but no thank you

  2. @cynthiawilliamson5905
    @cynthiawilliamson5905 says:

    Please say a prayer for me. I’m going to double this recipe because I’m going to be making a sheet cake and I’ve never done this before and I’m making it sugar-free low carb for someone who is on keto for his birthday tomorrow. I will let you know how it turns out I’m gonna make the icing as well. I wish you had placed on here how many servings this did I made you three times the amount, since this is a small cake that she made.

  3. @carolmeehan1
    @carolmeehan1 says:

    I'm going to make this over the weekend so I'll let you know how it goes. I've made many of your bread recipes and they are fantastic, you have a natural gift indeed. Please do more low carb/zero sugar recipes :)😍


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