Love & Best Dishes: Gilroy Garlic Festival Garlic Bread Recipe

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Gilroy Garlic Festival Garlic Bread Recipe – Jamie is sharing the best garlic bread recipe, and this easy garlic bread recipe comes …

25 replies
  1. Amanda G
    Amanda G says:

    Driven through Gilroy many times but never when the festival was happening. When I lived in that area, I used to see huge truckloads of garlic 🧄 going down the road. 😍

  2. Ariel Klay
    Ariel Klay says:

    I was born and lived a stone's throw away from Gilroy (less than an hour) for 21 years. Now I'm about four hours away, but only went to the festival once when I lived in San Jose.

  3. Rio DJeNIRO
    Rio DJeNIRO says:

    Thank you for sharing the recipe. Saved this tutorial to my library. Loved the Gilroy Garlic Festival when it was "little known", now hundreds of THOUSANDS of people flock to attend. Miss Northern California so much.

  4. Louise Lyman
    Louise Lyman says:

    They have the festival on the hottest day of the year (amazingly) but it's a must do once in a life time if not more, if you can. Want garlic wine? They have it. Want garlic ice cream? They have it. Having said that, my favorite food was the fried rattle snake and 2nd was the alligator on a stick. Now in GA and looking forward to festivals here!

  5. Sherry Rethwisch
    Sherry Rethwisch says:

    I cannot believe you called this Gilroy garlic bread and failed to use the authentic….this is such a shameful representation of the lady's recipe. If traveling in Ca, roll down your windows around Gilroy and smell the aroma. Plus, no baguettes or french bread in Savannah?


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