Love & Best Dishes: Baked Beans with Hamburger Recipe | Ground Beef Recipes

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Baked Beans with Hamburger Recipe | Ground Beef Recipes – If you loved a good Southern baked beans recipe, you’ll love these …

48 replies
  1. Paula Deen
    Paula Deen says:

    I've tried for years to recreate those baked beans with hamburger that Bobby loved as a child. Do y'all have any of those recipes you're still hunting for?

  2. Richard Wright
    Richard Wright says:

    This reminds me of my absolutely favorite version of Poor Man's Trash Plate: Medium well ground chuck, baked beans with molasses, deeply fried and crisp potatoes, some green scallions sprinkled on the top. A few slices of bread with real butter on the side. Tastes even better the next day heated up as a leftover after it's sat in the fridge in a pyrex bowl covered with aluminium foil – after the flavors have had a chance to get acquainted with each other.

  3. Gray Cee
    Gray Cee says:

    Thanks Paula. Love and God's blessings from Australia. Can you please tell me if 'pancake syrup' is maple syrup as I don't think we sell pancake syrup in Australia but we do use maple of them.. Thanks x

  4. Pam Hall
    Pam Hall says:

    We make these all the time with some additionsโ€ฆhamburger, bacon,onions, ketchup, brown sugar, liquid smoke,, white vinegar,s&p, and mustard. Place all in c/ pot on low. We do not add syrup to ours. This is a favorite.

  5. Nonya B
    Nonya B says:

    Omg I found a gold mine! I absolutely loved watching you as a child and now you have your own youtube! Yas!!!!!!!! I cannot express the excitement when I heard y'all come from this lovely woman's mouth.

  6. Lori Sutherland
    Lori Sutherland says:

    Try a mix of ground Chuck and pork, and fry up some thick bacon and slice it in there with some onions, butter beans, white kidney beans, brown sugar, bbq sauce. I use bushes baked beans as a base too. My son loves them. He calls them cowboy beans. โค๏ธ

  7. downing kris
    downing kris says:

    That tomato sauce probably changes the taste from what we're use to…To me, if you use it, you probably need more "sweet" ingredients like brown sugar/molasses, etc…I'd probably add onions in addition to the Lipton.."mustard" cuts the sweetness but if you don't have a lot of sweet, I wouldn't use it…

  8. Exploding Kitten
    Exploding Kitten says:

    Paula, u r looking awesome! I wish I would look like u when I'm your age. Congratulations on standing up to PC brigade! Sometimes u have to take the $#!t end of the stick to come out on the right side of history. Long Live Free Speech!

  9. Debbie Atkins
    Debbie Atkins says:

    I am 70 years old and my mom made this for us all of the time, and I have been making it for the 51 years of our marriage, it is one of our favorites, we just browned hamburger and onions and added canned beans!

  10. Scorpio #ag
    Scorpio #ag says:


  11. Penny Roach
    Penny Roach says:

    Miss Paula it almost sounds like calico beans. Ground beef, onions, green pepper, bacon, beans , canned baked beans, molasses, mustard, brown sugar, alittle bbq sauce, ketchup, it's amazing

  12. Janel Buckley
    Janel Buckley says:

    A couple of months ago, I came upon the Bush's baked beans factory in eastern Tennessee. It's a huge factory, and you can definitely smell beans cooking in the air. They have a large baked bean can that's as big as a building and a visitor center with a cafe and general store. I guess the company is over a 100 years old. So, if you're visiting Dollywood and stopping by Paula's place in Pigeon Forge, it's not far.

  13. Morgan Calvi
    Morgan Calvi says:

    Franks and beans…yes. Who heard of hamburger and beans? Bobby…it figures….appropriate vessel though ๐Ÿคฃ. Johnny, any clue how much salt and MSG is in a packet of onion soup mix???

  14. Marlene Clark
    Marlene Clark says:

    You are a brave women Miss Paula, wearing white to cook in and no apron. You did it beautifully, no splatters. I do believe youโ€™ve had a lot of practice. Thanks for sharing recipes with us. Stay sweet and God bless.

  15. Ella Marie
    Ella Marie says:

    What a fabulous recipe!!! My daughter loves baked beans. I make them but, Iโ€™ve never heard of putting onion soup mix in it. I can tell by that theyโ€™re going to taste delicious!!!


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