Loaded Baked Potato Soup | Crock Pot Recipes

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Loaded Baked Potato Soup | Crock Pot Recipes – Now this is just what you’ll need on a cool fall or winter day, Loaded Baked …

44 replies
  1. Matacron Prime
    Matacron Prime says:

    Made this yesterday.

    It's awesome, but I'd recommend leaving out the rosemary. It gives it an unnecessary bitter quality.

    If you MUST have a substitute, I'd recommend a few tablespoons of minced garlic.

  2. Nettie Binning
    Nettie Binning says:

    I just love watching you cook! You make it look so easy {and I know it is, I cooked in a hospital for quite a while}.But I have developed an alergy to milk, Do you have any recipies, like this one, that could be rearranged without useing milk, but still has the flavor?!?!

  3. Nina Meza
    Nina Meza says:

    The chives weren’t in the ingredients and I had to run back to the store, thank god I had 3 hours though 😂 amazing recipe man!! Keep up the good work, my husband loves it!

  4. jennifer zaporta
    jennifer zaporta says:

    WOW your wife is a very BLESSED WOMAN
    A man that cooks!!
    Loved this recipe
    My family truly enjoyed it. SO EASY ❤️
    Plz let us know when your cook book comes back in stock
    I had NO IDEA……
    Thank you for all your cooking tips and delicious recipes 😋

  5. Mrs. Cordero
    Mrs. Cordero says:

    I’m 8 months pregnant and have been CRAVING loaded potato soup. Found this recipe and decided to try it last night because I couldn’t see any bad reviews. I’m glad I did because it was DELICIOUS! My family loved it and my 11yr old had 3 bowls! Then said he could eat it all day everyday. Well, we’re now making this again for the second night in a row.😂

  6. Berbie
    Berbie says:

    I just found this recipe, and oh my gosh finally an easy potato soup that I can make that I know what is good. I have never been able to make really good potato soup it would come out different every time I made it but this is right up my alley and I’m making it for New Year’s Day! Thank you!

  7. Leo Kelley
    Leo Kelley says:

    I'm making this right now!! I love your recipes there always so simple and easy and I love to cook and always down to try new recipes this is my go to channel for something new

  8. Kurai the White Rabbit
    Kurai the White Rabbit says:

    I've made several of your recipes already, your slow cooker lasagna is one of my faves- no joke. I don't like the usual white sauce in there, so using ricotta with an egg is just a-fucking-mazing.

    I'm about to start this one up! My only problems come from the fact I'm from the Netherlands, and a lot of things you tend to suggest to use.. We don't have. No ash browns, no cream chicken stock etc. So I have to substitute with other things- same with the cinnamon roll slow cooker recipe- and I have to convert most of these things to grams. But still, solid recipes! Thank you so much for them!


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