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22 replies
  1. Kathy Kluger
    Kathy Kluger says:

    Hi Amanda, your nephew is absolutely adorable and I am so happy for your sister and family! I have been wanting to reach out to you because I have also been diagnosed with Scleroderma, Fibromyalgia , Raynauds, and a host of other autoimmune diseases and have started on the carnivore way of life last week. My husband is a type two diabetic so we are trying to get healthier in our late 50’s. I just found your channel and love your bubbly personality! I am having a bit of a hard time because I have never been much of a meat eater… it is a challenge but I do want to feel better! Thank you for your encouragement. 😊

  2. Myrna Bloomberg
    Myrna Bloomberg says:

    Hi. Not sure if this is the place to sms you. Would like to sms regularly. Not sure if allowed to. I relate so much to your story. 100 pounds is amazing. I've also lost a lot. Was going to do a 72 hour fast. Just completed 40 hours. Happy with this. Listened to my body and stopped. Was getting aches. Thankfully no headache. No lightheadedness. I did take electrolytes. Now I've started carnivore. I've been fasting for a while. I think the time difference between USA and South Africa is 7 hours now. My sister stays in Georgia. Hope I don't have to pay dollars to talk to you more. Congratulations on the birth of your nephew. It's all about consistency. Take care. Look forward to hearing from you. Myrna

  3. Betty Boop
    Betty Boop says:

    Clean keto is a fine diet for many people.
    Is there research to uphold that carnivore is the best diet for everyone?
    I can see the value of strict carnavore for loosing 100+ lbs.
    However I love crucerfecerous vegetables, and root vegetables but nightshades give me joint pain. Tart pie cherries are very anti-inflammatory for me.
    How can all berries be unhealthy for all humans?
    Aren't we omnivores like monkeys and bears?

  4. Lisa K
    Lisa K says:

    Thanks to you Amanda and the person who asked about taking in electrolytes and carbs. I had heard many years ago when Gatorade became a thing that it was not a good idea to drink it if you weren't really working out or sweating heavily. I didn't connect carb intake to electrolyte intake and don't recall hearing much discussion about what happens, if anything, to our bodies if we are consuming high carbs, electrolytes, and not really expelling much energy or exercising. Would you be able to discuss that further some time?

  5. Smiling4u
    Smiling4u says:

    It is evident how far you have come as far as your mind set. You are not beating yourself up for falling off the wagon and bounced right back and looking forward to it. You've been on this journey long enough to know that you just pick up and keep going . I love it. 😊

  6. F R
    F R says:

    Use your instant pot for chuck roast!!! ❤ i use mine for it about 2 times a week.
    I am forever grateful for you, introducing carnivore to me!

  7. Mel Smith
    Mel Smith says:

    Before you get pregnant, I highly recommend doing some research on birth in different spaces (hospital, birth centre, home). Your sister's is one of those stories people like to tell to scare expectant mothers. It's not always that scary. I had 5 home births and would not change a thing. Each time I'd just been going about my business, had the baby, and then went to bed with the baby (except the one time I had to go to hospital for stitches afterward). The hospital system is so broken, they rush women through so they can free up beds, and while your sister's caesarean may have been necessary, a lot of women get pushed into them when, if given a bit more time, they would have birthed on their own naturally.

  8. Beverly Yarber
    Beverly Yarber says:

    Ice cream is my weakness. Don’t keep in house. Arthritis is a problem with me and when I hurt as weather changes I get discouraged and give in. I’m doing this for health more than weight loss

  9. Barb Green
    Barb Green says:

    Ate a stuffed pizza knowing I was going back on Carnivore on Monday. My goal is to actually walk on a treadmill this winter instead of laying around doing nothing because it's dark outside by 7 pm


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