Lets Talk – Food Bank Hauls, Cooking, Product Reviews, Family and MONEY!!

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34 replies
  1. Citygirl Homestead
    Citygirl Homestead says:

    I understand I don't even film Jack's food bank hauls anymore cause of some haters most are very nice but some can be mean. I get product reviews most don't realize we aren't paid for them we just get the product for free. It is nice to get things for my kitchen/house etc and have give some away for gifts. Things I certainly could never afford not with this economy and Tom and I's income falling so badly. I am still around 100 a month on youtube but hope that someday it will be far better. I think that you and I are teaching skills that with this economy is very important. I love to see no waste on food cannot stand it. Our food banks aren't as plentiful as yours and others that I have seen but we are a big city and tons of people need help. You do you girl and do what keeps you you if that makes sense I think channels that are true to themselves thrive. People if they want fake they can watch tv. Love you girl

  2. denise odaniels
    denise odaniels says:

    Mama Baird!! anyone who wants to do a channel should. they have that opportunity. u are just darling! not offensive in anyway. i so enjoy seeing the products u share with us.Thats what you tube and social media is about….sharing!! if there is naysayers they are jealous. they dont need to be. let them start their own channel. u are fun,funny and i enjoy all u do.dont let others bug u.
    Look at how large your channel has grown!! u are the best gf!!

  3. Holly Hobbie
    Holly Hobbie says:

    Hey everybody, Here is the thing. You are not always going to agree with other people's choices. As an ADULT you have a choice, address it or let it be. Most of us choose to let it be. If you feel you need to say something, act like an ADULT. Any other approach is not under obligation to be tolerated, respoded to, or accepted. So please respond like an ADULT or please do not bother and just walk away, scroll on, or watch some other videos but childish comments are very unbecoming.

  4. Little House Happy Home
    Little House Happy Home says:

    You’re blessed if you have food banks that give to all. Our food banks in my area have income requirements that have to be met in order to be eligible. It’s kind of sad too. Because I know people who have extreme medical debt that takes a huge bite out of their monthly income….. yet they can’t qualify for help with their food. Not even from a food bank that is supposed to help people. It’s crazy.

  5. Homebound Mama
    Homebound Mama says:

    Honey don't feel any kind of way about what you do for you and your family. I've been buying from temu, doing indebpt reviews on each item i purchase. I've made in one week $35.00. Look if that bothers someone else i hate it. I'm not lieing about the products or getting paid large sums at a time. Yes I've been very upset with some items and temu has refunded me my money into the account and thats where the money goes i get from the reviews. Do you baby girl. Love you and your family❤

  6. Blessed Babe
    Blessed Babe says:

    We are so blessed here in America we have an abundance! We are also a country that wastes , from people who don’t eat leftovers, let stuff spoil in their ice box or businesses who overstock and have to take items off their shelves because they did not sell ! That being said I think the food banks are amazing and they do keep food from going to waste ! I have not utilized one before as an adult! I know growing up there were not any and I now realize my family was food challenged ! My mom worked at school and would bring leftovers from the cafeteria home ! I had a girl come stay overnight and she went back to school the next day and tell everyone we had the same hotdogs for supper that we at at school lunch ! I was embarrassed! We never went hungry and I am better mindful of my resources now as an adult ! Keep doing you and have a blessed channel!

  7. BNN079
    BNN079 says:

    People who feel this way probably shouldn't watch YouTube. I mean I feel like the whole point in YouTube is to make money. I'm so glad you are able to buy 20$ in lottery tickets. I hope one day you can buy a house from your YouTube channel. Wishing you abundance and happiness.

  8. Lori G.
    Lori G. says:

    My life is completely different than yours. I'm a single woman in my mid 50s who lives frugally. When I found your channel I was thrilled because you taught me how to process food in a way that I had never done before. And use it in meals and desserts I have not made yet. I am thankful that I found your channel in the beginning stages Caroline. Keep up the great work! And ignore the haters.

  9. Trista Zerbe
    Trista Zerbe says:

    This whole video can be summed up on one comment, “it’s none of your business”. It’s nobody’s business what you do and I’m sorry you have to even make this video. People can F off. You do what you need to do!

  10. Ren Van Winkle
    Ren Van Winkle says:

    You do you girl! Anyone who is a regular watcher knows how much you give to your family. I found your channel from a Food bank haul. I live in my van and utilize food banks wherever I am and they are a godsend for me and me travel mates. We live on very small budgets; less than $1000 a month and we would be destitute without them . They are so kind as are you for helping fight the stigma associated with them . Take care and thanks for all you do.

  11. Carol Parker
    Carol Parker says:

    I agree that youtube is a lot of work. I did unsubscribe however because of so much advertising. The choice you made to get products for free is of course reasonable but possibly you could name your postings in a way so that I could watch you when you are doing food hauls or something I want to listen to and skip the ones that are advertising.

  12. Rachell Day
    Rachell Day says:

    There's too many people don't understand what a great resource the food bank is. Our local food bank has income restrictions, but for our family of 5, the limit is $102K per year.
    Thank you for being yourself and helping others find resources… And more importantly , thank you for helping people understand that utilizing the food bank is nothing to be ashamed of.

  13. Shelz P
    Shelz P says:

    Oh heck no MamaB…I cannot imagine criticizing you for anything let alone a few lottery tickets. Your viewers might not know how easy it is to gamble on slot machines in Montana (which is one reason why I love your state haha…) so imho the tickets are pretty tame.


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