Let’s make some COMFORT FOOD + GIVEAWAY!!! | COOK WITH ME episode 6

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How are you staying motivated these days? Be sure to watch for a special giveaway! xoxo ➜ PREORDER My New COOKBOOK!

33 replies
  1. Tran Tran
    Tran Tran says:

    When this is over, I am looking forward to spend time looking at stuffs at Costco with my husband, who is working hard in this crazy time as a nurse. I cannot wait to end this working from home and go back to the office. I will also visit our parents as well.

  2. Angelina Matthews
    Angelina Matthews says:

    I think I'm looking forward to finally be able to see and hug my parents again. We all have jobs that require us to leave the house and work so we've all been really stressed. I miss going out for pizza with my dad and being able to just hang out and hug my mom again.

  3. XpinklilyX
    XpinklilyX says:

    See my parents… I haven't seen them because of their age I dont want to risk anything of them catching anything especially I work in a preschool… the way we been seeing each other is facetime. Thank you for this giveaway very cute pot. Good luck everyone👍🤞

  4. Careen M
    Careen M says:

    I'm really looking forward to go out and help support local shops and restaurants and continuing making more delicious meals for my family. I really enjoy watching your videos!😊

  5. Nazy Khan
    Nazy Khan says:

    I agree, lots of people will be OCD afterwards. As someone who is OCD, I’d like to welcome you into the fold…come on in, the water is nice and warm 😉.
    After self-quarantine is over, I look forward to spending time with my 2 years old nephew again. He lives 10 mins away, but since I’m in a high risk category, I get to only see him through pictures, videos, and FaceTime. Hope your family stays healthy and blessed! Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  6. leinanik
    leinanik says:

    I can’t wait to spend a day at the beach and bbq with my family and friends, and also eat out at a local restaurant. I just want to enjoy the simple things that we took for granted and have a newfound appreciation for.

  7. Karina Rainieri
    Karina Rainieri says:

    I don’t have more ideas about what to cook, so I am here to get some ideas. I try to cook some delicious meals to motivate myself and draw sometimes to distract my mind. Thank you for your videos, they are amazing!

  8. Miss Lola 305
    Miss Lola 305 says:

    That heart shaped Le Creuset is lovely! I’d love to have one. As soon as this disaster passes I’d like to go back to the gym and spend some time at the beach with my family and friends. This all happened during my birthday so I didn’t get to spend it with my family. Thankfully we’re all okay.

  9. Manini
    Manini says:

    Honestly, I don't even know. I guess go and enjoy a cup of coffee at the cafe. That and just have grocery shopping return to normal. No rush, no limits, no out of stock items. The small stuff. Maybe throw a late birthday party. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  10. Lynette Bermudez
    Lynette Bermudez says:

    Can't wait to let my daughter play in the park & for my family to go sit down at a restaurant to enjoy a nice dinner, DISNEYLAND 💖, maybe a movie at the movie theaters. You start to appreciate the little things we took for granted before. We'll get there….We're all in this together😊

  11. Andrea Yenko
    Andrea Yenko says:

    I'm looking forward to seeing my grandparents and whole family again. I am sooo family oriented and super close with my grandparents and I've been trying to spend more time with them as they get older and older. It really sucks not to be able to see them and hug them during this time.

  12. synchro101
    synchro101 says:

    I'm a private music teacher and after this is over I can't wait to see all my kiddos IN PERSON again! We've been doing all our lessons online but there's something that can't be translated through a computer about making music together live ❤️

  13. Frances Her
    Frances Her says:

    The first thing I'm going to do after this madness is done is treat myself to some KBBQ! I've been craving KBBQ so much 😭 I know you can just do it at home, but the vibes at a restaurant is just so much better lol.

  14. MaggieAvocado
    MaggieAvocado says:

    During this self isolation period, I’m motivated to do more for my family. I’ve been watching your videos to get inspired to create new recipes so things won’t get bland in the kitchen. We go on isolated hikes, and I’m taking more nature pictures and appreciating it. Once this is all over I’m immensely ready to stroll my farmers market and hit the thrift store and maybe wander the aisles of Target ☺️❤️

  15. Melissa Tang
    Melissa Tang says:

    I'm motivated to keep a schedule for myself and the kids instead of mopping around the house because we are at home all day. Definitely looking forward to the day they can go back to school and we can socialize with all our friends again!

  16. Tami Alexander
    Tami Alexander says:

    I can’t wait to be physically with my family again-grown children and grand kiddos! My birthday will come and go during this time-always tease I’d like to just skip it for the year so I don’t get a year older but I’ve come to appreciate age and feel blessed. We’ll celebrate when we can get together again!

  17. smileeecindy
    smileeecindy says:

    When this pandemic is over, I want to see my family and friends again. I also would like to be able to volunteer for my community again. Thank you so much ❤️ you’re such an inspiration!

  18. Lisa Quint
    Lisa Quint says:

    Hi Dzung! I couldn't help but love this recipe easy and simple to make. After all this I'm hoping I can go visit my papa back home in panama and start making some recipes like yours! By the way love your kitchen. 🙂 Stay safe and continue your vids!


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