Let's Make Our Own Staples / Homemade Bagels, Sauerkraut & Vegan Deli Slices

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Recipes ✴︎ → Sourdough Bagels (I’m still perfecting my recipe, but here is one that looks good in the meantime) …

35 replies
  1. Vanessa Stannett
    Vanessa Stannett says:

    Loved this video! I recently tried to spice up my sauerkraut with sliced jalapenos… don't do this people… not spicy and added bitterness. Sarah WHY have I not made bagels with my sourdough!? Totally doing this. Thank you!

  2. Helen
    Helen says:

    Wow! I'm impressed! I too have been trying to stop using products with so much plastic packaging. I'll have to try your ham…that's a staple for me but different recipe. Thanks for the inspiration…Happy New Year and blessings to your family ❤️

  3. Lily
    Lily says:

    I tried making the 86eats turkey deli slices but even though I followed the recipe exactly, the texture was weird and too tofu-y 🙁 Maybe I need to try again. Can you make sauerkraut with any cabbage or does it have to be green cabbage?

  4. 54321Adela
    54321Adela says:

    both sauce stache and mic the vegan have oat milk recipes that mimic store bought milk, mic uses enzymes to make oat milk not slimy and sauce stache adds the additives that make it froth

  5. Jennifer Trotter
    Jennifer Trotter says:

    I'm inspired to try sauerkraut! Thanks! as for challenges for the future – I would love to see some adventures in making fermented hot sauce! And, sprouting micro-greens (alfalfa, radish, broccoli, mung bean, etc.). Hope you are well and are already noticing the lengthening of the daylight where you are.

  6. dlsgl407
    dlsgl407 says:

    Love the style of your videos – very calming and a great advertisement for the vegan lifestyle.
    Would love to see you make some more cheeze… spreadable and some aged.

  7. Laura Jackson
    Laura Jackson says:

    Sarah, I've always admired your confidence in the kitchen, but this! Fantastic choices that I must try. Thank you! Edit: I should also mention how important is your approach to packaging waste that I applaud as well.

  8. Sam
    Sam says:

    Would love to see a fermented cheese recipe! I bought some cheese making mold cultures for myself for Christmas and am going to use them for brie and blue cheese 🥰 would love to see your take on one!

  9. Emily Blake
    Emily Blake says:

    Wow!! Great recipes!! I'd love if you could do more videos like this. I have been wanting to make more things from scratch and also want more "unique" recipe ideas. Which I think you already do a good amount of but would live to see more!!! Thanks Sarah!

  10. Mosca Froglover
    Mosca Froglover says:

    Perfect timing. I just bought a two pound bag of the vital wheat gluten to attempt my own deli slices because they are so expensive. I have everything but the tapioca starch. Still gonna try it.


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