Let’s make an IBS-friendly meal #shorts

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31 replies
  1. Nutrition By Kylie
    Nutrition By Kylie says:

    Irritable bowel syndrome, otherwise known as “IBS”, is a common GI disorder that affects the stomach and intestines and can cause symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, excess gas, etc.

    This meal is “IBS-friendly” because it’s low in FODMAPs. Since foods high in FODMAPs (e.g. garlic, onion, certain fruits, veg, etc.) can worsen IBS symptoms, I’ll try to limit these if I’m in a flare. However, I don’t consistently adhere to a low-FODMAP diet 24/7 since a low-FODMAP diet is extremely restrictive and can worsen our gut health long-term.

    Marinade recipe for 2 lbs of chicken thighs (from Damn Delicious):
    – 1/3 c chopped fresh cilantro leaves
    – 1/4 c chopped Thai basil leaves (you can use basil leaves with a few mint leaves if you can’t find Thai basil leaves in your supermarket)
    – 2 tsp freshly grated ginger
    – 2 tbsp neutral oil (e.g. canola)
    – 2 tbsp lime juice
    – 1 tbsp lime zest
    – 1 tbsp brown sugar
    – 2 thinly sliced green onions
    – Salt and pepper

    Bok choy recipe:
    – Add 1 tsp canola oil and bok choy and brown on both sides for ~1-2 min
    – Remove and add in 1 tsp minced ginger, green onions, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp rice vinegar, and 1 tsp sesame oil
    – Add bok choy back to skillet
    – Garnish with sesame seeds

  2. GPXgirl
    GPXgirl says:

    The worst, is not being able to enjoy the food you love. I don’t have IBS, but I don’t have a gallbladder anymore. I had gallstone‘s when I was younger and it was hell. Now I have to be on a special medical diet and there’s a lot of shit I can’t have. If I have it, it makes me sick. Since I can’t digest fat anymore. My ex was the same way But he ignored the doctor’s orders and continue to eat high fat food. Then he would always be sick. lol So, simple and low fat recipes are best for me. It’s funny, people always tell me how to live my life and do my diet. When, my doctor told me specifically what to eat and not to eat. Plus, I know my body and I know it makes me feel good. I know what doesn’t make me feel good and what makes me sicker. Food can either help you or hurt you. Keep that in mind.

  3. ravnn
    ravnn says:

    This is so helpful! I have ibs and I’ve grown up with it and gotten used to it in a sense that the feeling is always expected but when I tried eating only low fod map foods to see what was triggering it I realized how nice it feels to not be bloated/in pain/need to use the restroom all the time😭 I want to start eating more ibs friendly foods but I had no idea where to start so this really helps and I really hope you can make more videos like this!

  4. Xinyue Li
    Xinyue Li says:

    I really want to learn more about gut friendly diets, though my stomach is strong enough for anything, I have friends with IBS or Crohn's and I when I invite people over for dinner I don't want them to feel left out, and I certainly don't want to poison them either

  5. Dolly Lewis
    Dolly Lewis says:

    I do not agree with your consumption of gluten. Everyone has an intolerance. I think it’s bad advice to say that gluten doesn’t need to be avoided. It’s poison. And for those of us with Celiac, a death sentence. Your advice is far reaching, please consider going gluten free and explaining the benefits.

  6. Noodle The Snake
    Noodle The Snake says:

    Hi! Love your videos and was wondering if you could show some examples of some balanced vegetarian meals. I’m a vego but I would like to be able find some nice balanced meals to get the most nutrition 💕

  7. juicymetra
    juicymetra says:

    I have severe GERD like go to the ER once a year only when it gets really bad cause i'm used to the burps, the chest pain, throwing up foam and then the nausea and dry heaving stomach bile every 3 hours for at least a day, any more than that and I go to the ER for fluids cause I can't eat for days. Everything I love is a trigger, spicy foods, lime and lemon and everything sour and fatty and red wine…. so when I saw you add the lime juice I was like oooooh this won't work for me… just plain congee and tuna salad sandwiches for me.

  8. Cecilia Wong-Cornall
    Cecilia Wong-Cornall says:

    White rice is my saviour whenever my IBS flares up. It is literally the only thing my guts do not reject during the worst spells. I make congee with it, then slowly add ginger and boiled chicken when things start to calm down. Didn't know how I could have survived without rice, chicken and eggs for most of 2019 🥺 Those were dark times (because how severe my IBS symptoms were).

  9. Moji Green
    Moji Green says:

    I have IBS and one time I made Turkish treat with caramel my friends recommended me to try. Fast forward I woke up at night, not being able to crawl to the fridge for pain killers or to the bathrom neither to my phone to call a doctor. The pain was so bad I thought I will wether pass out or my bed will turn into a all you can throw up buffet. I thought it was caramel, but I wasn't sure and so tried it the next day, you know, to replicate the results. Got trashed again. I sincerely respect people who look out for their diet and stuff, hopefully one day I also develop a brain

  10. IAmNotNicole
    IAmNotNicole says:

    How did you come to realize the issues that led you to get the diagnosis? And how frequent were the symptoms? I’m 25 and currently on day 2 of struggling with I don’t know what, and when I looked up my symptoms (I know, I shouldn’t use google as my doctor 😂), IBS is the first thing that came up.

  11. Brie
    Brie says:

    Idk if I have ibs but I've had stomach issues since I was born. It's seriously so painful sometimes and if I eat certain oils, meats, etc I notice it gets worse. Sometimes I can't even eat pasta. Does anyone know what this could be? My doctors can't seem to give me an answer 😭 I need to keep trying though lol

  12. Nico & Oliver
    Nico & Oliver says:

    So I was recommended this probiotic for my rescue cats with diarrhea due to IBS and it looks like it would work for humans as well? Jarrow S. Boulardii + MOS. It’s for humans but someone was recommending smaller dosing for cats and it def worked

  13. Clare Pauka
    Clare Pauka says:

    I’m so sorry to anyone going through stomach issues ❤ please take it easy on yourselves 💗

    I dealt with them for years and occasionally still do. I would like to suggest seeing a medical professional if IBS is very difficult for you. There can be different underlying causes. I saw a GI doc and immunologist when I was younger and discovered some chronic illnesses. This past year I saw a functional med doc and discovered even more…and I’m being treated now! There are deeper issues going on. It has been eye opening and helpful for me. (:

    Take care guys ❤

  14. Jey Calc
    Jey Calc says:

    for me its diary. Its so hard to not eat diary its in everything, ice cream, chocolate, butter, cheese, chips, popcorn, pastries, italian food, many foods we eat have diary


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