Let’s eat steak and learn why we are psychopaths!

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20 replies
  1. sg1gamer
    sg1gamer says:

    If you're reading this comment before watching this video then take my advice, (this is a disgrace)! You need to pause, Go and buy and cook yourself a steak so you can eat along side Shawn! Made me so damn hungry hahahaha!

  2. John Bloom
    John Bloom says:

    Not going to the lie the guy makes some pretty convincing points but meat is still essential for optimal health. I have always found most meat to be bland and tasteless without seasoning and sauce.

  3. Chris Hackard
    Chris Hackard says:

    Meat isn't tasteless. I ate a piece of grass fed steak with some fat before I salted it this weekend and it tasted great, salt only made it better. When I used to eat broccoli it only tasted good to me steamed with salt other than that it was like eating a chewy twig.

  4. I Am
    I Am says:

    Nature doesn't make mistakes; all herbivores walk the same day they are born, while omnivores and carnivores take weeks to months before they can walk.


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