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Seitan or Wheat Gluten is something I didn’t think could really be tinkered with. I have seen so many different recipes but the end result is always pretty simular.

26 replies
  1. Nancy Barrios
    Nancy Barrios says:

    When I go to his printout recipe link I just get about a short tick tock like video of others pics but never with actual print type recipe I’ve followed him in videos where he sort of gave the recipe A little disappointed because all of his videos look yummy!

  2. clarence spencer
    clarence spencer says:

    you talk too much. just make the bloody thing and say/show how to make it. like how about yapping less but telling people where to get those suspicious chemicals "sodium alegenate and calcium carbonate blah blah"?!?

  3. halfie
    halfie says:

    This is way too much calcium. I'm a chemist and you don't need that much for the crosslinking to occur. The recipe in the video will leave you with a metallic salty aftertaste from the excess calcium. I know because I tried it that way. You only need about a 1/4 teaspoon of the CaCl2 instead (taking into account the molar ratio from the reaction, molar mass, and density). Otherwise the texture is great. Reminds me of shawarma.

  4. Pierre Loubert
    Pierre Loubert says:

    Wondering where you get your sodium alginate and calcium chloride? I went to several grocery stores today and no one had any. Wheat gluten as easy to find although quite expensive.

  5. Czarek
    Czarek says:

    I am more of a traditional homecook. I do seitan myself and shopping for sodium alginate and calcium chloride really just doesn't convince me. But the idea of steaming seitan and wrapping it tightly so it doesn't expand and become denser and less spongey than the one boiled in broth sounds like a gamechanger for me! <3 Thanks for the inspiration and spreading love for seitan!


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