Lean Day/Fat Day Experiment // Wellness Wednesday #ketovore #psmf #nodairy

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Timestamps: 0:00 How dairy free is going 1:31 My experience with D-Mannose for UTI symptoms 6:06 Alternating lean and higher fat keto days 10:48 Weight …

23 replies
  1. Celiac Revelation
    Celiac Revelation says:

    Dairy contains lactose and casein. Lactose is a form of sugar and can feed yeast and perhaps aggravate UTIs and inflammation like rosea.
    Eliminating lactose (milk protein)can help to eliminate sugar cravings.

  2. Susan L
    Susan L says:

    I have trouble with electrolytes too. Potatoes and bananas have plenty of potassium but since I don't eat them anymore, I have to keep an eye on my potassium.
    I have a salt shaker filled with potassium tartrate (cream of tartar) and I sprinkle some on almost everything I eat. It's not enough for the day but it helps a lot.

  3. Shirley Castle
    Shirley Castle says:

    I'm pleased things are working out for you and that you are feeling good. You seem a wee bit less stressful and look amazing…your skin looks clean and your eyes are bright. How is your sister doing didn't she do the dairy free with you?

  4. Robin Beers
    Robin Beers says:

    D-mannose is awesome stuff. I used to get UTIs all the time but zero since going completely carnivore. It is also possible that you may have been dealing with some oxalate dumping causing those uncomfortable symptoms. Glad you feel better in any case.
    That is great that you are focusing on protein. It really does make the cravings go away. That's not just you.

  5. Laurie Paul
    Laurie Paul says:

    I also use to get UTI's as well and they were getting more frequent. Antibiotic after antibiotic! A friend talked me into going to a homeopath. That was almost 20 yrs ago and I have never had another episode. The odd time I have had a twinge of discomfort and so I always keep the D-Mannose around. But it has been a few years now. I relate to you so much but I am your mom's age. So glad if you can figure alot of this out at your young age.

  6. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    Glad it’s all going well. I’m doing pretty well with how I’m eating now. Friends are calling it “your new weird diet” and I keep explaining it’s not a diet, it’s a change in my eating and I’m not trying to lose weight. My co-worker asked me if I’m taking a new medication because I’ve been much more energetic. I told her it’s the way I’m eating, not a new drug.

  7. Dawn Lanni
    Dawn Lanni says:

    I'm so happy for you… Dairy is always an issue for me bc of coffee! What are your putting in your coffee? I know you used creamer half and half, heavy cream? I can't stand black coffee. I've tried so many times. 😣 Thanks

  8. Carol E
    Carol E says:

    Thanks for talking about D-Mannose. It worked for me over 2 years ago to the disbelief of my doctor. I took that instead of the antibiotics he prescribed. Thankfully I haven't had any more issues since then.

  9. Sharon Golden
    Sharon Golden says:

    Intermittent fasting is much easier when you have already shifted your body to a keto diet. When people try to fast either intermittently or for 24 hours and their body is use to carbs and sugar it becomes very hard and uncomfortable because the body’s cycle is working on insulin surges, so hunger pangs are very strong but if you have broke that insulin cycle by eating keto fasting is easier you will not get extreme hunger pangs. When I fasted for 24 hours I drank apple cider vinegar in water when ever my mind turned to food. I say my mind because I did not get physical hunger pangs and after 2 pm I no longer felt to eat even though I was suppose to break my fast at 4 pm, I could have gone longer but I broke my fast. The next day a felt incredible. This was my experience

  10. Vintage Girls
    Vintage Girls says:

    Here's something our doctors clued us into years ago about uti's…*not diet related….was using toilet paper that doesn't contain Formaldehyde use organic or sustainable paper products only …believe it or not a lot of toilet paper has Formaldehyde either on it or in the glue strip that starts the roll….which causes young children and women especially to have a lot of uti's and it's been linked to cancer in women and men.. men esp w prostate and testicle cancers shocking but true… since the change not 1 of the females in our home have had any Urinary track issues.. and none for over 20 years and our youngest was seemingly prone to them..and the doctor would blame soap..or baths..and they only used holistic or home made soap and showers… so they we not sitting prolonged in generic soaps filled with substance we knew little of…and believe it or not she even as an adult now has not gotten any.. and hasn't had any in years either…so we always let Mom's know.. to swap the tp.. and watch what happens… especially if you have little girls….
    Also…on the topic of vivid dreams yes they are more common and we seem to be able to wake up and recall a whole ..dream and write it down on higher protein for sure.. have been keto ketovore since 1986… but now w higher protein and psmf days again… the exacts..of why it assist the cognitive memory in this goes deeper but its great. I'm sure it has to do with the protective barrier being stronger… to our brain cells.. in that area… and having the transmitters fully firing w no inflammation to block ….I'm told by the neurologist… also he said it helps to ward off dementia memory loss and some forms of permanent memory losses like Alzheimer's . Whole foods i.e. ancestral eating… keto ketovore carnivore and such is great. Your right…Dairy does cause alot of inflammation for many so we do want to keep the inflammation out.. and that too enhances cognitive function… etc…less joint aches and all…so as a registered dietitian who fully supports proper human diets… I love all the science behind what makes us all tick.. and it is true that we not only have to look out for hidden things in foods and inflammation triggers..but toxins in products we use as well.. lots of people do think to check deodorant and shampoos and lotions.. but also should check… on toilet paper.. and feminine items too. Esp if they are getting even short bouts of utis.. it was shocking that one simple swap stopped years of them for the girls. Who have always been keto. So if any *reader is experiencing them look into this. Especially if you are already eating clean. You might find your culprit !

  11. Kocomo Miron
    Kocomo Miron says:

    Thank for sharing your wealth of knowledge! Is it common for people new on keto to have uti? I’m curious because I feel like I may be experiencing this (no uti symptoms but testing positive for leukocytes the last 3 weeks but I feel fine)

  12. DiMo
    DiMo says:

    I’m glad that this has turned out to be easier than you anticipated and that it seems like you are having positive results so far.

    I’m eager to see how the rest of the month goes for you!

  13. charlotte dunn
    charlotte dunn says:

    Good Morning! I am glad you are having positive results so far. I have read most of the Mood Cure book and have started implementing the aminos. I'm excited with the calmness that I have felt the last 2 days. Still need to play around with it to get better sleep. Thanks for putting this info out there for those of us who are looking for nonprescription meds.


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