Late Night: Gochujang Stew! | 고추장찌개

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45 replies
  1. Wolf Godwin
    Wolf Godwin says:

    Just discovered the wonders of gochujang paste and I’m laughing at the little squeeze bottle I bought at the grocery store. It’s almost gone in less the a month. I’ll be buying a tub next time and this recipe will be on the menu.

  2. Karen Klein
    Karen Klein says:

    Just back from my vacation. I decided to start with a recipe from the bottom of y'alls list on the website once I was home. Then I see this! Now I am questioning if I should start with what I printed out or this now?! Decisions…decisions. Such good food! ugh! How to decide?!

  3. Fatima Rizvi
    Fatima Rizvi says:

    I’m Pakistani and our cuisine’s foundation is spice but this Korean
    Stew is really the King of SPICEY. I could feel the tingling in my ears and that’s never happened before 🤪
    Wow you Koreans really do know how to eat SPICY food 👍🏼 😮‍💨

  4. Kim Igayo
    Kim Igayo says:

    Hi there..i'd try this recipe today for lunch and man its really good very delicious..i wish i could share the pictures here…thank u very much we are fanatic of korean foods as well.

  5. Cheryl Hernandez
    Cheryl Hernandez says:

    I just used my gochujang to make my first batch of kimchi. I think i goofed it up a tiny bit but it was still good. I will definitely give this a try. I have learned to make a variety of dishes like pho, dumplings and sushi I would like to venture into some Korean dishes. I love food and learning about dishes and other cultures as well. Closest i can get to traveling next to the travel Channel. Thank God for YouTube and the amazing people like you who put themselves out there to share some great content.

  6. Corazon Urbano
    Corazon Urbano says:

    Im a new subscriber today. I hope you write all the exact ingredients with its measurements cuz I am not familiar with Korean ingredients just by hearing. I love korean foods so I want to follow what you are cooking

  7. Kim An
    Kim An says:

    😆 "no don't dig in like a bowl of chili, you'll die" thanks for the warning! & thanks for the recipe! your intro was perfect! i still have a bunch of gochujang left & I was trying to figure out what to do with it that wasn't too time-consuming!

  8. Abram Ashes
    Abram Ashes says:

    This was great, and now make it almost every week. I dont always have meat, so i leave that out. I also dont have access to jalapenos or thr pepper in the video, So i use scotch bonnet chillies(Which i have plenty of)

  9. kiwifruitkl
    kiwifruitkl says:

    The soup itself is not only heavy in flavor, but also light in calories. You are pretty much using lean meat and vegetables and starchy potatoes in a very liquidy soup, so the bulk of your calories will come from that bowl of rice. The rice does 2 things: balance out the spiciness AND bulk up on calories.

  10. Jaz 0
    Jaz 0 says:

    Can I add some beef broth instead of water?
    If so, how do you think the measurements would be? Also, can I add rice cakes ? Please let me know Thanks love the video want to get the ingredients tomorrow


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