Large Family Made From Scratch Dinners (Elk Roast + Ham & Beans) + SimPure Y7 RO System

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Made From Scratch Meal Prep for Dinners (Elk Roast + Ham & Nave Beans) SimPure Y7 RO System In This Video: SimPure Y7 …

37 replies
  1. Heather Geyer
    Heather Geyer says:

    I’m proud of you dear for your sobriety. I’m ocd and type a personality so always high strung anxious type. I’ve been making sure I take breaks when I’m tired. I always feel like there’s things I should be doing and feel guilty taking breaks but lately I’ve been practicing giving myself grace and being more compassionate with myself. I also try to move more. Intentional moving. I’m also making sure I eat more. Being overweight and busy all the time somehow manifested itself into me eating only dinner most days. So I’ve been more intentional about eating. Thanks for sharing yourself with us. Much love and God Bless.

  2. Laura Estrada
    Laura Estrada says:

    Thank you for being honest with us about your struggles. We watch you on YouTube in your beautiful kitchen with your beautiful self making great food and healthy choices for your awesome family. Being honest with us helps us know we aren’t alone in our personal struggles. It can be easy to watch social media and think we are the only ones with problems and struggles – even if we know better. But hearing you share with us, really helps us not feel alone ❤

  3. HisGrace
    HisGrace says:

    Hello, I'm not a mother but I am relating your homemaking and self care. I appreciate your honesty about your struggles . Congratulations on your one year sobriety! 👏

  4. Hilde Moonen
    Hilde Moonen says:

    Hey Katie. Because of some serious health issues I will never be a mommy. I always wanted to be a mommy and when I found out I will never be able to be a mommy, I was so upset and angry with myself and I thought I didn’t deserve me time or help….I neglected myself for so many years till the point I didn’t want to leave to house anymore, I didn’t buy new clothes or things I really wanted, didn’t had hobbies, didn’t do anything for myself….I lived to help others I thought .
    But that broke me…I went to a psychiatrist and she helped me and learned me that I only can help others if I help myself first…I can’t make other people happy when I am not happy…
    When I read this it makes sense now but it took me so long to understand that, stupid I know 😜!
    She also learned me to do the things that give me positive energy because when I have positive energy I can do tasks that are harder for me to do without it is draining me…I hope you understand what I am trying to say?
    I am still struggling to put myself and my problems fist when I know there are others that are counting on me but sometimes that is exactly what I have to do…
    Today I am enjoying your video’s because I am on bed rest because I have a very bad back. I have had multiple surgeries that didn’t worked out and that is why I am on bed rest very frequently unfortunately. I have learned to enjoy from very little things and your video’s bring me joy. Thank you so much for bringing a sparkle in my day ❤! Love Hilde

  5. Donna Knight
    Donna Knight says:

    Hi Kati I am like you I like when things are clean and everything is put where they belong I get upset with my self but it is hard to break from it for a living I clean home by my self like 14 rooms I am gone to be 60 soon in March I have lots of pain but I keep going you are a sweet woman and a beautiful family and I can tell how much you love your family 😊

  6. Simple Country Living
    Simple Country Living says:

    Great video. Thanks for sharing. Love and prayers for you and your family.
    My self care is my catholic faith and trying to take about a mile walk every day. I’ve been taking a break and sometimes a nap during the day when possible every dive I had my first baby. Nine babies ago.❤️🙏

  7. Sarah Burke
    Sarah Burke says:

    Wow I never would have guess you have struggles like that. I have childhood trauma and I also have bipolar. I started therapy and realized how little I take care of myself but I always take care of others. I’m working on that. Thank you for sharing💕

  8. Joneil Kimball
    Joneil Kimball says:

    I don't know if I have a cluttered space because of my cluttered mind. Or if I have a cluttered mind because of my cluttered space. I can never find things when I clean and organize. But I can remember that what I'm looking for is at the bottom of this pile.

  9. mimi d
    mimi d says:

    God bless you Katie, you deserve to take care of yourself it's important to do for others when you are healthy. I admire your honesty…you got this. Stay well ..🙏

  10. Karen Cassidy
    Karen Cassidy says:

    Hey girl! Self care is paramount. It really is.

    When my husband (ongoing for decades now) and then both kids (one year after another) were in the hospital, including ICU, I realized I HAD to take care of me.

    Sleep. Fresh air. Nourishing food. I can’t take care of them if I don’t take care of me ❤️.

    Also…Peets?! It’s my favorite. Yes please ☕️

  11. Season
    Season says:

    14.5 years. Sober is better. Congratulations on almost a year!!! That is absolutely incredible I love your channel even more now. I was already touched by how open and honest you were being and then you mentioned your sobriety. I praise God for your sobriety and I am so excited to see your journey. Good job Mama!!

  12. Garden Lady
    Garden Lady says:

    I love your kitchen ❤. The windows and your decor is so warm, comforting, great morning light and the view is stunning🙌🏻! My hubby and I are long time fans of Peet’s coffee. I used to go to the original corner store Mr Peet’s opened decades ago in Berkeley CA. It was and still is a local institution 😊

  13. Traci Cox
    Traci Cox says:

    go, Katie, go!!!! sober sisters unite <3 I still have a long way to go on my sobriety journey, but I am so grateful to have your example of strength. thank you for this video (and for the super helpful canning info.–my fiancé gifted me a Presto pressure canner for my 36th bday yay!). sending hugs and light from mid-Missouri 🙂 –traci


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