LARGE FAMILY FREEZER COOKING | Crockpot Freezer Meals, TONS of Twice Baked Potatoes, More!!

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I’m back today friends with my large family freezer cooking for May cooking up my entire Large Family …

28 replies
  1. WAC Veteran
    WAC Veteran says:

    It’s just me and hubby now but I have a hard time downsizing so I quit stressing about it and just use smaller pans and baggies. Old habits die hard. I still have a monthly shop and a monthly freezer meal cooking weekend. We both work full time and it gives us more time with each other and to enjoy our other interests. Nothing beats the feeling of having a freezer full of meals ready to go.

  2. Lori
    Lori says:

    I love the fast forward lol. Would love to be able to twitch my nose, like Samantha on bewitched….couldn’t we all use that in real life haha

  3. Ellie Goldie
    Ellie Goldie says:

    I've watched you for couple of years not commented for long time .l think your channel gives something for everyone to watch.You make very good wholesome food so even mamas with 1 or 2 children can make meals and freeze but just do small amounts.Home made soups were a very big part of my childrens lives as you can hide so much vegetables, lentils,barley,split peas and what ever else.we used to have freezer shop that did small chickens which were suitable for soup stock then once cooked all the meat came off the bones and back in for a chicken soup.noodles or pasta and season and you have it.well done your channel has become larger along with your beautiful family.xxxxxx

  4. gingergargoyle
    gingergargoyle says:

    I strain my cottage cheese – curds replace ricotta, whey replaces sour cream for any number of applications … my kids can't stand ricotta cheese, but I'd love to learn to make my own skim milk cottage cheese

  5. Kara Smith
    Kara Smith says:

    I love your videos. I am getting ready to do a big freezer meal cooking day before baby #2 arrives in 10 weeks… 2 under 2 and a repeat C-section… this mama won’t be cooking for a while after baby arrives 😆

  6. jess jerZ
    jess jerZ says:

    You are so amazing,I am addicted to your videos! I am especially impressed with how many different healthy meals you come up with for your kids; I am single with no kids,and still do not think of the things you do.

  7. Makenzie Harper
    Makenzie Harper says:

    I’m 21, pregnant with my 3rd child. Plus two stepsons! (4 boys all together, gender is unknown still for new baby) your channel saved me, no joke. We are becoming a family of 7, and these make ahead meals are a life saver.

  8. Marilyn B
    Marilyn B says:

    Everytime I go to Walmart I look at all of the kitchen stuff. The great big cooking pots make me think of you!!! And I found the big black meat chopping utensil that you use. I'm gifting these utensils to family members!!!! Love watching you cook!!!!

  9. Amber Spriggs
    Amber Spriggs says:

    I have a question. My fiancé is Muslim so we don’t really do pork. If I wanted to do some of your meals and replace with chicken or beef should I use the same amount or different depending on the meat?


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