Large Family Costco Grocery Haul – Stocking up in Canada

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We are a large gluten-free homesteading family. Keeping a well-stocked pantry has become more important over the last year. Power outages, restrictions, and …

1 reply
  1. Mauro Zak
    Mauro Zak says:

    I like your video, the life there in Canada looks quite different from Italy. You remind me and old friend, she is always smiling like you and you are quite similar. Anyway thanks for the video of Starlink, they helped me meanway I was waiting mine, they just started to distribute them these months here. I'm very happy with mine, it is a little expensive but it is working fine, can't complain. Sorry for my english, I still trying to improve it 🙂 Have a nice day, and make more video of Starlink because I'm curious how is improving there, it will similar here some months later.


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