Kitchen Prescription: Pharmacist Helps MS with Diet Change | Ashley Madden

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A pharmacist turned to food to help improve multiple sclerosis. After years of painful injections Ashley Madden began eating a …

23 replies
  1. Anna Murtaugh
    Anna Murtaugh says:

    I was at a wedding a couple of years ago. They had a pasta buffet but no vegan sauce. There was hummus at the appetizer side. I thought, why not put hummus on my pasta? Wow, it was so good!

  2. chiyerano
    chiyerano says:

    Yes, I love being on a plant exclusive diet but making favorites like certain pastries such as sticky buns or crackers without processed white flour is challenging. Thank you for this interview.

  3. Leonie Augustine
    Leonie Augustine says:

    Awesome! I am a Pharmacist, Consciousness Coach, Holistic Wellness Coach, Meditation and Reiki Practitioner……..and I'm Vegan! ๐Ÿ™Œ I no longer work as a Pharmacist.๐Ÿ˜Šโค I

  4. Tracy Fettinger
    Tracy Fettinger says:

    Wow! We have some similarities in our stories! I also went from prescriptions to plants and will never go back! I wrote a book about my experience with MS and now I teach plant-based cooking classes to kids and adults as a result of my diagnosis!

  5. Gerard
    Gerard says:

    Although I have different beliefs on whatโ€™s the proper way to eat. Im so happy you were able to better your health because of a diet change. Too many people in the world discount how important diet is to have good health.

  6. Elfriede Dueck
    Elfriede Dueck says:

    In our house we use Turmeric, Cinnamon, Ginger, Cardamom, and Black Pepper in our smoothies every day. If we have oatmeal, that goes in there too. We got so used to the last that it feel bland without it.

  7. Kenz300 x
    Kenz300 x says:

    Stress triggers so many problems. Yoga, breathing exercises and meditation can help bring calm into your life.
    Proper nutrition, adequate sleep, stress reduction and daily exercise are all parts of living a healthy life style.

  8. Elfriede Dueck
    Elfriede Dueck says:

    Just before I turned this on, I started to make "Our House Hummus" form Ashley's first book for lunch. I am waiting for her latest book that will be in the store in a few days.

  9. Plantification
    Plantification says:

    You're awesome chef. Sounds like you're enjoying life. I've been cooking since five years and making food always held poll position with my occupations but now being vegan it has been rough being that my wife cannot stand the tempeh, tofu, seitan (bad anyway) and has such a hard time. It's been a bumpy road but I think sharing recipes is great even if we're extracting parts of them.
    Thanks Chuck!

  10. Even So It Is Well
    Even So It Is Well says:

    I have been living well with my MS for 17 years in part due to eating plant based. I got really serious about it in 2017 and I feel great! My MS symptoms are reduced and I have not had a relapse since. Great topic!

  11. Rachelle Edmond
    Rachelle Edmond says:

    Thank you Ashley for clarifying that pharmacists do NOT just fill prescriptions….pharmacists go through 6-7 years of education and have the capabilities to provide excellent clinical interventions and such. The pharmacists you see in CVS do not encompass the whole pharmacy practice!

  12. Aaron V.
    Aaron V. says:

    Why have you not had Dr. Brooke Goldner, M.D. Goodbye Lupus author and goodbye autoimmune disease on the show? Her and her husbandโ€™s research is amazing. She cured her self of Lupus but most doctors will say she never had it. It is amazing what a whole raw Cruciferous vegetables, omega 3 fatty acids from flaxseed and chia seeds with a ton of water will do to heal the body while cutting out all other sources of inflammatory omega 6s.

  13. Justin Hale
    Justin Hale says:

    Any and every time a complex issue is brought up, stress is blamed. It's lazy – there are people who have negligible stress, namely psychopaths, but they get sick too.

  14. Darlene Miller
    Darlene Miller says:

    I'm 76 years young and decided to try vegan for health issues and I didn't want to hurt animals.
    Three and one half weeks later I developed a bad case of gout. I was very disappointed in myself and don't know what I did wrong.
    I also have diabetes and when I try lots of fruit my sugar also goes up.
    Please help! I gave up but would love to try again.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


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