KingCobraJFS – December 2022 Recap

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ill fill this out in a bit.

39 replies
  1. Andrew Bmore
    Andrew Bmore says:

    We NEED a Bible of Josh quotes, like I just heard…"The internet is a fucked up place, most people can't handle it.". -Book of Cobiscus 1:1. Someone add to the scripture plz.

  2. elfonzdaralis
    elfonzdaralis says:

    Man… watchin/hearing this boglim eat ANYTHING makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out with a Mellon baller and pop my ear drums with chopsticks!? He’s Way to UnHoly and Way to Goth for Me!!!

  3. Parabola
    Parabola says:

    "Dont tell anyone" But I'll publish it on YT. Well Spoken Words and Thoyghts Josh.
    are you seriously telling us your on THE FULL SPECTRUM or ya usin it to your advantage?

  4. vankook
    vankook says:

    How many of us winced when he ate that peanut. I really thought the teeth were going to go.

    Also, when the camera is down, was he doing spice?

  5. bsavv !
    bsavv ! says:

    Someoone needs to tell him huffing cologne wont get him high at least its not aerosol hes huffing or we may not have the boglim for long. Stay on the cologne josh TWU

  6. JustAScamp
    JustAScamp says:

    so he has never had anyone of age that he has been with complain about him fingering them but would that sentence mean he has been with not of age cis gendered non related females toobz that is not what's up toobz


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