Kimonoko Club Open Announcement!! | Curry Udon Recipe | Japanese food

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22 replies
  1. Kimono Mom
    Kimono Mom says:

    Thank you for watching, Kimonoko❤️!
    Join the Kimonoko Club –

    Tokyo is getting cold lately! Curry Udon is perfect for fall🍁If you make it, please tag me on social media🥳🥳

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  2. Cheryl not cherly
    Cheryl not cherly says:

    Watching you from Paolo's vlog to starting your youtube channel up till this time. Its inspiring to see how much you and Sutan has grown. Your English had improved so much too! What an inspiration! ✨️

  3. Ashley Lam Vandergriff
    Ashley Lam Vandergriff says:

    Channels like these mean so much to me.
    My grandmother was full blood Japanese and that woman was my world when I was a child before losing her. I seen my grandmother more than I seen my mom.
    My grandma resided here in the United States in Tennessee for my entire childhood and promised that she would take me to her home in Japan once I turned 13 years old.
    My birthday is in July and she passed that spring before my 13th birthday.
    I have an aunt that teaches English at a Japanese school here in Chicago but she doesn’t have any plans to go back to Japan any time soon.
    I am DESPERATELY trying to find more out about my family in Iwaki Fukushima but I haven’t seen them since before I can remember when they came here to visit us from Japan.
    I have stressed myself to max trying to find my family so I can get more in touch with my Japanese roots. My little family and I have spoke before about possibly moving to Japan with our children one day but the Japanese friends I have tell me that it may not be good for me as I am not full blood Japanese and I do not speak the language fluently so that kind of scared me out of making a permanent move there.

    Thank you for these videos.
    Also, You remind me so much of my mother when she was young! It gives me a feeling of comfort when I watch these as both my mother and grandmother are no longer with us.

  4. d18zephyr
    d18zephyr says:

    I love seeing Moe's growth. From her confidence speaking English, opening a store, and now the club. You really made a business and brand in a short amount of time. Congrats @Kimono Mom!

  5. Glenn Asakawa
    Glenn Asakawa says:

    That udon looks soooooo delicious! Sutan's expression while "dancing" on the dough is precious. 🥰 But the face you made at 5:58 when Sutan returned from the garden too soon is priceless!! 🤣 You are both so expressive!!!!


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