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Join me for Part 4 of my Keto Workshop on Monday, July 26, 7:30 pm EST. In part 4 of 4 in the video series, I show you the TWO PATHWAYS you can take when …

32 replies
  1. Tony M
    Tony M says:

    The medication and surgery path is well lit with billboards and jingles, paid for by big food, big pharma and revolving door government regulation authorities. The lifestyle path is poorly funded, not Cheerled by standard nutritionists, doctors nor main stream media because it's just not as profitable for corporations, authorities nor medics… However, the lifestyle path is for vitality, longevity and mental clarity.

  2. Russell Gallman
    Russell Gallman says:

    I appreciated both Keto Made Simple and The Stall Slayer. They pulled the curtains back on what I was doing. It's a very worthwhile investment of time, money and energy. I found most of my questions were answered. Some of my inquiries were not part of the scope of the courses, and that's okay that they were not addressed. Chasing the internet-keto questions down the rabbit hole can create too many diversions and tangents. I appreciated Dr. Westman's Evidence-Based-Medicine approach to Prescription Strength Keto. I'm still learning. And I hope the Adapt Your Life Academy follows through on presenting a Cholesterol Made Simple class in the future.

  3. D. Post
    D. Post says:

    There is a contradiction in the advice when Dr. Westman recommended “eat protein till you’re satiated”, and then said that because of the fat content in meat protein, you need to be careful how much you eat. Would someone please respond. Thank you

  4. Leonie Harry
    Leonie Harry says:

    you are promoting your free keto class in some of your videos. But if you register for it, you will be directed to the shop where you can buy everything at $ 167. Sorry, $ 167 isn't free, that's dubious! So how are we supposed to believe a man and let us guide him about health when he abuses our trust? That's what I call "loser". What a shame, Mr Westman. What kind of practices are these? Like from the fair!

  5. C Lear
    C Lear says:

    My wife and I started eating from Dr Westman's page 4 about 2 1/2 years ago. I lost over 50lbs and my wife over 40lbs in six months. He is the best and most experienced Doctor teaching keto. I have watched all the other Doctors on youtube teaching keto in the last two years and not one of them makes it as simple as Dr Westman. HE IS THE BEST!

  6. Nadine Dobbe
    Nadine Dobbe says:

    "The Road Not Taken", by Robert Frost, serves as an excellent analogy for the differences between traditional treatment vs. lifestyle interventions for these conditions. I memorized this poem in 4th grade English class; since then, I've often taken that less-traveled path to good effect. I have decided the "lifestyle" path is the one for me, but I seem to be stumbling around a bit and losing my way. Perhaps what I need is someone to take my hand and help me make my way along that less-traveled road.

  7. Jerri Hammer
    Jerri Hammer says:

    Hi, i have been on low carb for 5 years and lost 80 lbs. sometimes i cheat but not often – i am still on cholesterol pills, asked my doctor if i could get off and she said no – she even has put men on football or sports – i need to loose about 20 lbs – what do you think? i really want to get off!! i am 71 years old – thanks

  8. Wendy Mobley
    Wendy Mobley says:

    Hello Dr. Westman. Thank you for a healthy journey we can now live. I am APOE 3/4 with HIGH cholesterol. I need some nutrition guidance to help me prevent CVD and Alzheimer’s. Can I get sign up for nutrition coaching or what can I do to get your help? Let me add that I have been eating keto/carnivore for the last 3 years

  9. debbie malina
    debbie malina says:

    Your women’s testimonials are ME except for the medications ! Not saying if it were up to doctors I would be encouraged to start taking them now ! I have been a yo-yo dieter most of my life ! I am now 65 years and need to make permanent changes and this is the start for me !


    Dr. Westman, I purchased your new book, End Your Carb Confusion. I am in the process of reading it and enjoying it very much. The layout, drawings, color and organization in the book are very thoughtfully done making it easy on the eyes. Going forward, this will be my personal guide for health and well being. A benchmark of where I am and where I am going. Thank you for your dedication and hard work. My congratulations to you Dr. Westman and Amy Berger, CNS for a job well done.

  11. Renee Aiken
    Renee Aiken says:

    A little off topic but I sure do miss the good old Duke basketball days 😢 Thanks for all your help in my new life style. I plan on staying with it forever 😊

  12. chris gan
    chris gan says:

    Great info Dr. Westman! Ive been low carb since 2004 but got of track last 2017 after getting married, having a kid and got busy with our biz. Getting back o n the low carb lifesytle again. Thanks for the additional info and reminding me how to get back on track.


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