Keto Pot Roast | Keto Recipes | Headbanger's Kitchen

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Pot roast is a comfort food, it’s a great holiday meal as well. There is absolutely no reason it cannot be made into a Keto friendly dish. This pot roast skips the …

30 replies
  1. Justme77
    Justme77 says:

    Oh, we're on the same page, as they say!! The celery and then the celery leaves at the end!! The leaves are the best part of the celery! Awesome recipe!

  2. Hannah
    Hannah says:

    I actually did eat carrots when i was on keto. One large carrot is 7g, and that was the maximum i let myself have (a lot of the time i ate less). I would often eat veg the keto police would beat you for (ie onion tomato carrots peas…. even ocassionally a small amount of sweetcorn). i only had one meal a day, counted carbs, didnt really count calories and that way of eating worked well for me. Avoiding all the shitty Atkins type junk food bars was more important to me than a carrot or a couple of teaspoons of sweetcorn in my omlette.

  3. Nancy
    Nancy says:

    I make my pot roast the same but never thought about blending the veggies like that to thicken the gravy! That is brilliant!!! Video was well worth watching for that idea alone but LOVE that your dad was your taste tester again. He is so funny. Horns UP!!

  4. kodiak536
    kodiak536 says:

    That look like lean meat. How tender does it come out?

    We DON'T buy any lean meat, since we've been on Keto.

    I'm sure we can use our regular fatty cuts?

    I thought onions aren't really Keto? Isn't there sugar? We'll do without onions. I'm sure flavor won't change much.

  5. Priya Joby
    Priya Joby says:

    I wish I could attach pics in the comment section. I made this dish today and turned out super awesome. A little twist is that I made it not in the oven, but a slow cooker (Crock-Pot). The flavors came out amazing. I ended up with silky smooth gravy. I paired it with creamed spinach. I would really appreciate if you can put up some crock pot recipes also.

  6. JennyJen -JJ-
    JennyJen -JJ- says:

    Zucchini porosity, I love it! Plus I understood perfectly ๐Ÿ™‚ I love how you made the sauce, I believe Iโ€™m going to do that for my turkey gravy this Thanksgiving so I can eat it too, thank you & canโ€™t wait to make this recipe!

  7. Java Junkie
    Java Junkie says:

    Watching and hearing Dad โ€œMmmโ€ through the taste test just made me smile! Why have I never thought to blitz veggies for a sauce?!? Thank you for sharing!!


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