Keto on the Couch 183 | Do you need high Ketones for weight loss? What is the GKI reading?

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44 replies
  1. Connie Wood
    Connie Wood says:

    Hello, I have been doing Keto for about 2 months now and I love it . One thing I noticed after I eat and off and on is a dull pain under ribs in back and side. I went to clinic and negative for kidney, urine, etc. infections but thinks it is the gall bladder. I do not want to have my gall bladder removed so want any suggestions on how to save my gall bladder would be so appreciated! I am already doing ACV and peppermint tea. I was in full blown ketosis at clinic though! YEAH. i am also loving my KETO MOJO and right now am in 2.4 GKI/1.7 K/74 GLU. Thank you in advance.

  2. cynthia stratton
    cynthia stratton says:

    I love that you talked about my quote! I love you two! I wish I had viewed it live… you two are speaking to my truth that we need food to survive and we need to feed our addiction and and also abstain from it at the same time!! Deb conner is a wonderful blessing!!

  3. Laura C
    Laura C says:

    Well I just typed a long paragraph, but some how I deleted it. Thanks so much for the information on Ketones! Much appreciated. I have searched hi and low on this subject.

  4. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    I’ve been doing the invisible lifts with my son’s karate Bo stick. It is harder than you think. I have also added in a 15-30 minute workout of some kind (from YouTube) with weights. I am trying to firm up my stomach and underarms. The only places I have jiggle. I feel so good, even if it is a 15 minute workout. Even though I carry heavy boxes at work. Makes me feel good that I am finally getting in some real exercise – no cardio, just weights and a bit of aerobic. That was my challenge this month – to add in little bits of exercise 2-4x a week. Some weeks I have done better than others.

  5. Daduyar
    Daduyar says:

    Thanks for all you and Dr. Berry is doing, you have changed my life. Was 85 pounds, vegan and was very weak. Now have energy and now weigh 125. Best thing I am happy 😁

  6. Lou Cadle
    Lou Cadle says:

    I never calculated a GKI until this week. 2.78. I don't care, really (just curious), but I'm also not dropping a whole lot of weight quickly, so I also don't think it matters for weight loss. Good to know that if I ever need it therapeutically, I know what to do to hit that range. (it's painless and includes bacon, so I can do that.)

  7. Donna Langdon
    Donna Langdon says:

    After you have done carnivore challenges and add keto foods such as vegetables or keto snacks, do they cause you digestive distress. Seems like once carnivore people are unable to add foods back in. Such as onions, avocado green beans, keto fruits

  8. Haifa . yoga
    Haifa . yoga says:

    I started taking ketochow electrolyte drops. And than a couple of hours later I started have gas and bloating.
    Does anyone else have the same reaction?
    I don't know if you continue using it or not

  9. Shari Watkins
    Shari Watkins says:

    One of my favorite episodes. Deb you are an amazing person. We have a lot of great folks on this channel. Looking forward to meeting all of those 2kk family peeps that will be attending either at Dr Berry's event this weekend, and or Keto Palouza – they both have been on my schedule since Spring. If you are going, please make sure you look me up.

  10. KA M
    KA M says:

    I learned so much. I'm doing the BBB&E with you all for the first time and I've been wondering (and worrying) why my ketones don't go over 0.8 even though I'm doing 18hr fasts. You answered my question in spades. Thank You so much. Now I can just keep on keeping on without the worry. I guess I was chasing numbers on my keto-mojo. Love You All!!

  11. Cindy Partin
    Cindy Partin says:

    My addiction is carbs. I so miss potatoes. I used to eat them just raw or anyway I could get them. Not so much bread or those kind of carbs. Every once in awhile I crave sugar. Wasn't a big sweet eater.

  12. Julie
    Julie says:

    I think this has been my favorite video yet!
    I love how real and open you guys are!!
    I'm so thankful I found 2 Krazy ketos ❤️
    My husband and I are on the hunt for an RV!! I'm so excited so we can get out of the house and see the world!!
    Go KETO!!

  13. Kate Canfield
    Kate Canfield says:

    I was really disappointed with your take on tracking ketones! You are correct that there is no need to chase ketones. But for many of us, we are not in this for "weight loss" but for metabolic health. I have been following a LCHF and then KETO way of eating for several years in order to come off of BP meds, and prevent going on T2D medication. I was successfully able to do that because I tracked my food and my BG and Ketones to monitor what spiked my BG (and lowered ketones) ultimately keeping me insulin resistant. I lost 70 lbs in the process. Then I stopped tracking and stalled for 18 months – went back to what I know works and lost the "regained" 20 lbs. My numbers are excellent. My family has a history of diabetes, dementia and kidney disease. So for me – yes tracking my ketones is information that I need. Very disappointed in this flagrant disregard for those trying to follow a well formulated ketogenic diet.

  14. Tom Smith
    Tom Smith says:

    Watched your BBB&E video. Though I would give it a try. At the start, in the morning on medicine BP 115/80. Went 4 days and had to give it up. Blood pressure steadily went down. BP last night 99/61. This morning BP 91/52, HR 48. What a great way to heal yourself. Next time I'll have a plan ready for how effective this way of eating is. Seeing Doctor on Friday.

  15. Michelle K
    Michelle K says:

    TOTALLY agree with you on measuring ketones. It is just a tool. But it also has the potential to become a form of orthorexia just like the scale. There are people who are SO insulin resistant and metabolically sick they cannot make ketones at all. Those are the people Dr. Boz is talking to. The ones who will give up because they are exhausted, lacking energy, not able to stick with it because they feel horrible. That nonsense of drinking a ton of fat and showing how high your ketones are…uhhmm duh if you drink a bunch of fat your ketones with go up. Does not prove that you will lose weight or improve your metabolism. Everyone has a sweet spot. Everyone has unique chemistry. For me, I like to check ketones when eating something new that is supposedly "keto". If my ketones drop to .01 that is not a food meant for me.

  16. Michelle K
    Michelle K says:

    You must have been in our car yesterday listening to the conversation I was having with my hubs. I was saying to him that when people try to cajole carb addicts into "just a little", or "everything in moderation" it would be the same as telling an alcoholic they can have beer and wine as long as they don't go near their beloved whiskey. Food addiction is indeed difficult in ways that abstaining from alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc. Never, ever to minimize how hard it is to kick any addiction.

  17. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    I just got a text about these bars. Are these the Vegan bars?? I just got a text and it said 30% off $75 or more. That was all it said. I just got my last order from Perfect Keto the other day.
    BTW I got that Text to Telegram SPAM answer to one of my last comments on someone else’s YouTube video. It wasn’t even a giveaway, which is weird. I tried to block the address or something and it didn’t work. I had to contact the YTer to let him know that I got this comment. It is weird.
    We could be addicted to 2KK!! I know I am.

  18. Elizabeth A
    Elizabeth A says:

    I recently had to quit watching a really fun Keto channel because they veered off into daily keto monitor readings and glucose monitoring! I have never stayed in ketosis, or tracked regularly because of the hard work I did with my diet and the disappointment as the numbers were rarely "good". I was losing weight- but became less happy about it while chasing elusive keto numbers. My glucose has the dawn effect and I also mentally hated "seeing" that. But now I'm FREE. Eating BBBE and not counting anything. Also adding more fat (after failing psmf) after recently hearing Kelly H and Amber O'Hearn talk about this. Not everyone responds predictably to the keto suggestions. I neeeed fat! :o)


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