Keto Full Day of Eating | Freeze Dried Burgers? | What We Eat To Lose Weight

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41 replies
  1. Shari Watkins
    Shari Watkins says:

    Ketchup on eggs reminds me of when I was a kid. My mother used to put ketchup on our scrambled eggs when we were in Louisiana, but in TN, she never did. I asked her why did we get ketchup on the eggs in LA, but not TN. She told me she only did ketchup when we had italian sausage (LA morning meat), and in TN we usually had bacon or TN Pride hot sausage. Italian Sausage, French bread was a must on those trips she made home. I never noticed it was tied to different meats. Meh…I can take it or leave. I don't reach for it though. Probably more team Rachel than Joe on this one.

  2. Ben Davis
    Ben Davis says:

    Ketchup and hot sauce on eggs – yum! I'm afraid we'll end up with another cold snap in FL before the end of winter. Thankfully I kept some of my warmer clothes when we moved!

  3. Denese Dugay
    Denese Dugay says:

    I'm on the fence about trying the stevia sweetened core KC because I've never been able to tolerate the bitterness of stevia, but I absolutely will try the unsweetened core and sweeten it with allulose, mostly to see the difference between my go-to sucralose and allulose.

  4. Donna Kona
    Donna Kona says:

    As a kid I had eggs and ketchup. I tried it few months ago and still like it. Since I live in Texas, we use hot sauce y'all. Last time I went to Cheese Cake Factory I got sick because the food is too rich for me. Being grandparent is the BEST JOB! Happy New Year God Bless you both!!

  5. carnivore grammy
    carnivore grammy says:

    I eat ketchup on my scrambled eggs but like spicy mustard on my fried egg sandwiches. my best friend's name is also Beth and we met my first day in my new school just before Thanksgiving 48 yrs ago. I am the luckiest person to have this woman still in my life!

  6. Barb T
    Barb T says:

    Ketchup on eggs !!! Yessss! Also ketchup mixed with mayo on eggs !!! Live you guys. Watch you every day. I've been keto for 6 yrs and love love love it. Lost 45 lbs and kept it off. Oh, anthem ketchup I use is ( no added sugar) by Heinz. I'm 75 and feel 40 ! Take no meds and walk a mile every day. Sometimes 2. Went from size 14 jeans to size 4

  7. jujube2407
    jujube2407 says:

    Cheesecake factory Cobb was sooooooo good…but halfway thru my meal they came running out…the ranch dressing had gluten 🙁 made me sooo sad… i stopped eating at like half way…I was stiff the next day but not terrible! Ps not keto policing anyone! My lupus reacts to gluten, soy, and seed oils if any amount of abundance shows up… I can usually sneak a little of one in a meal eating out on ocassion… but not allllll of em…and God forbid my salad has peppers or tomatoes too! Lol everything wants to kill me… I'm stubborn…I should just do bbbe and get over it…lol


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