Keto Chow – I Finally Gave In and Tried It – 11 Flavors Reviewed

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It seems almost weekly, I’m asked to do a review of Keto Chow by one of my viewers. I’ve resisted up until this point, as I personally don’t have a strong desire to …

46 replies
  1. Keto Chow
    Keto Chow says:

    Hey, Chris from Keto Chow here. First off I want to make sure that everyone knows that the first time we got to see this video was when it went public today – there was no editorial control or anything like that. We always hope that that's unnecessary and people will like it as much as we do.
    Now to my comments on the video =)

    Honestly, I like that Steve mixed some up and drank it immediately. It gives people a good point of reference to what it will taste like and such if they want to skip waiting. The salt and other minerals take at least 30 minutes to dissolve and until then the crystals will be VERY present and make it taste saltier than it is.

    Melted butter + warm water + blender = success =) Also, as noted by others, if you have one made with butter that has butter chunks (and you don't like that) microwave it and enjoy it warm!

    The Peaches & Cream has been one of our most divisive flavors! Many people like it, others think it smells like perfume AND THAT'S OK! We all have different tastes.

    Keto Chow makes good soft-serve ice cream, the water content makes it turn pretty solid if you try to harden it in the freezer, best to eat it right away.

    Girl Scout 'Thin Mint' was EXACTLY the flavor we were going for with the Chocolate Mint. The color is what you get when you add real cocoa powder to the green =)

    Regarding being really full when drinking them: sounds like you would prefer to use less heavy cream/butter/fat – one of the features of Keto Chow is that YOU can customize the type of fat and the AMOUNT of fat that suits your needs.

  2. Zephyr828
    Zephyr828 says:

    I tried this stuff. To me, it was like trying to drink cake batter. No matter how much I thinned it, it was still gross. I tried several different flavors. The only one I could tolerate was Chocolate. I still have a whole bag of it in the cabinet. Mostly because you have to wait a whole day before you can actually drink it after you make it. So, if I'm in the mood for it and make it, I have to wait until tomorrow to drink it. Well, the next day I'm no longer in the mood for it! So, it's going to sit in the cabinet until one day I finally throw it in the trash, I guess.

  3. SK L
    SK L says:

    Really good info…funny I ordered several and one was peach because I love fresh peach shakes when I used to make them. So that was the first one I made. Well I was not blown away after one sip and poured it down the drain. I assumed all were not going to be what I expected so I put the other flavors in the back of the cabinet. Guess I’ll have to give those others a try now after seeing this video. I also think the different ways you can make it was confusing to me. I think I used full cream and water which I think it said to make it. Maybe the water wasn’t something I should have used. But I’ll give it a try again.

  4. Ladyfirst
    Ladyfirst says:

    ~ After watching your review I'm going to purchase some just to make the ice cream!!
    Will you be putting the recipe process and amounts/ratios on your blog?
    (I don't possess your natural cooking instincts and need a walkthrough. 🙂 )

  5. Kimberly Harper
    Kimberly Harper says:

    Your wife gives off a sweet adorable! vibe please have her on more often as a guest to your channel, of course if she's willing and not too camera shy. 😉 FYI I am a lndiana transplant but raised in Madison WI. Love your channel immensely and I get quite the giggle when you mention the garage freezer, I know first hand exactly! what you mean. Thank you and keep doing a great! Job.

  6. Karen Latham
    Karen Latham says:

    Tablespoon of butter in my coffee but I whip the crap out of it in my ninja and it's hot so you know.. Drinking cold butter doesn't really sound appetizing lol.
    Maybe try putting MCT oil in there? Though You would still have to whip it I would think.

  7. Bacon Egger
    Bacon Egger says:

    I found using melted unsalted butter is a lot less carbs than heavy cream, tastier than using oil and I use hot tap water, blender and refrigerate overnight for best results. Also, I add a bit more water than it says on the pkg as I prefer it a bit less thick and sweet. My favorites are Chocolate, which is also great as hot chocolate in winter, & Raspberry Cheesecake. I used to be against sucralose but it actually tastes good, as they use a pure form, not at all like Splenda. Great for when you don't have time to cook, when traveling, and helps with transition into keto as it has electrolytes and satisfies cravings for sweets

  8. Giny
    Giny says:

    Melted butter, warm water, immersion blender and let it sit overnight. Perfect! Always overnight for best flavor and no grittiness, unless you want to drink it hot (think hot cocoa).

    Butter gives a more pronounced flavor, less carbs and is cheaper than cream. Snickerdoodle with butter gives it more of a cookie flavor.

    Heavy cream is best with fruity flavors, makes it tastes more like a melted milkshake and makes delicious ice cream!

    Little hack: add peanut butter powder or peppermint extract to chocolate instead of buying the specific flavors.

    Add a tsp of beef gelatin as you're making a shake with butter to get a pudding like consistency.

    Use coffee instead of water! Pumpkin caramel and toffee are amazing with it!

  9. Joanna Parszyk
    Joanna Parszyk says:

    Thanks for yet another informative video.Greetings to the family!
    I also prefer to cook even if it is only a quick scrambled eggs but l get the idea and see how useful it can be for many ppl.

  10. Wendy Foley
    Wendy Foley says:

    I use the avocado oil in mine and you can't even taste it! I was not sold on it at first, but once I tried it and realized that it didn't impart any 'avocado' flavor, I was hooked!


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