Keto Almond Cookies – Sugar Free, Gluten Free | Keto Cookies

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This light and tasty Keto Almond cookies recipe makes an easy, moist and delicious cookie, which is perfect as a holiday treat or a snack whenever you are …

26 replies
  1. Zoooma
    Zoooma says:

    No fuss recipe? It's not like I can go to the grocery store and buy glucomannan whatever the heck that is. I'd have to order it which means I can't simply, with no fuss, make these cookies. Edit your video, take out those words, or use a recipe that truly is no fuss.

  2. Susie Thomas
    Susie Thomas says:

    What is glucomannan? What does it do in a recipe? Is there a substitute that you know of? Also, do you know of a substitute for the coconut flour? I have some people here who don't eat coconut. The cookies look good!

  3. belizeguy
    belizeguy says:

    Oh WOW! Another Cookie for me to bake! Can't wait to give this a try. It will be tomorrow I figure. Got some other projects to finish tonight, so I can be ready for tomorrow. Thanks for this. That was some fine looking Vanilla Extract you are using. I still have not been able to refresh my supply, but we do have the homemade and COSTCO varieties available.

  4. Zizi A
    Zizi A says:

    Thank you so much for a delicious cookie recipe. I love that your written recipe page is just that. It's short, clear, precise and to the point. And you don't write essays on cookies, ingredients used, your life history etc before the small written recipe.
    Also, I don't have glucomanan. Can I use xantham gum in equal amounts please? Thanks🌻


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