Kate Middleton discusses parenting on a podcast | GMA

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The duchess speaks openly about being a mother to George, Charlotte and Louis and what kind of upbringing she wants to provide for them. WATCH FULL …

32 replies
  1. Jennifer Caskie
    Jennifer Caskie says:

    Meghan could never outdo Kate no matter how hard she tried. I think that was part of the problem, Kate will be Queen and Meghan will never be. I do not believe she will be in that family long. Prince William tried to slow Harry. That was a warning. When you don’t heed a warning sometimes the results are disasters.

  2. Louise Martin
    Louise Martin says:

    Wow, she is all over the news now…just waiting for Megan to leave. Must have been hard for her, sharing the attention with such a lovely young lady. Wonder if it had anything to do with her excess melanin.

  3. Rachel Levine
    Rachel Levine says:

    Are you kidding me? What would Kate Middleton know what it's like to raise three kids. She has a nanny or two, a staff that clean, do laundry, prepare meals, just few 'little' things most mothers do not have. Kate Middleton has no right to speak or her so called motherly challenges. She's a spoiled arrogant lazy woman.

  4. Grace Tukuru
    Grace Tukuru says:

    Thank you Duchess Meghan for giving Duchess Kate a voice. Why is Kate vocal now after her sister-in-law relocated to Canada. The press are wrong about these two women fighting with each other because Duchess Meghan gave Duchess Kate the strength to speak up. The press now want Duchess Kate to be more like Meghan without the negative press.

  5. barkah ibrahim
    barkah ibrahim says:

    Wow a lot of vicious comments here. And I think most of them missed the exact point of why she shares her experience here. She understands that some people aren't as lucky as her that's why she highlights the need of having a support system around the mother . Try to follow the podcast and listen then I think you'll understand rather than just bitching around .

  6. mary mcdermott
    mary mcdermott says:

    What a fantastic role model Catherine is all those skills are so important for children……I do all those things with my grandchildren and so does my daughter………I hope Ireland give you the best……cead mile failte……in Dublin and Gaway next month…….The Irish recognise real class and Catherine has it all

  7. Lawrence Gotera
    Lawrence Gotera says:

    how ridiculous people tell that shes envious of meghan shes not into it she knows shell be future queen.see princes margaret also got atention becoz she got pretty face.so meghan where is she now nothing will change kate is always ahead no matter what ur speculation.she is down to earth ,she nurtures her family,do duties follows protocol witho
    ut breaking it.at the end of the day she wins it …even before married to william lots say shes now suits to be a princess. but now she has adorable kids.winner


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