Kale & Potato Soup | Fast, Easy Backpacking Hiking Camping Meal | Vegan | Vegetarian

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Don’t be afraid of fresh ingredients. They aren’t as hard to use as you think. FIND MORE RECIPES @ www.montyboca.com …

8 replies
  1. Jay J
    Jay J says:

    Love the dino kale–and the only one I do love, only cooked though. Soup looks great. Ever thought of a ribolita? Kale, white beans, maybe dry packed sun-dried tomatoes, and some stale bread, parm or nutritional yeast and you got a great meal.

  2. Katy E.
    Katy E. says:

    I love the idea of adding kale to my meals on trail! But, Chef Corso, I know you know better than "just don't throw [the parmesan] in" the soup to make it vegan. Nutritional yeast is such a light, packable, tasty umami flavor. I'm not even vegan and nutritional yeast is in heavy rotation in my kitchen.

  3. Jayne Fury
    Jayne Fury says:

    Eeep! You were at my favorite camping spot. You had a nice mild day. The wind there can get rough. Love your vids. This is my jam, food from real ingredients on the trail.


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