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If you are interested in 1:1 weight loss coaching with me send me an e-mail to IFwithRyan@gmail.com and put “Progress over …

15 replies
  1. nanabella151
    nanabella151 says:

    Did you move out of Jacksonville?
    I lived there 2005-2015, it has been fun seeing you go to all the restaurants I used to go to, especially Puerto Plata, about a mile from my house… happy house warming!😃👍🏻🥰

  2. L. Delta
    L. Delta says:

    Great content-I’m trying IF but tend to overeat after not eating for that long. Does the overeating stop with practice? Any tips? Thanks and be well.

  3. Sandra Rodriguez
    Sandra Rodriguez says:

    I really enjoy your videos about how you started intermediate fasting and you have an amazing wife and daughters. I'm so glad you are staying on your intermediate fast. I'm happy y'all moved back hometown.

  4. AmericanMade1964
    AmericanMade1964 says:

    I'm doing 16:8 low to no carbs. I started all carnivore but I switched yesterday because omg the water flowing out my behind was too much for me. Lol the only exercise I get is walking and yardwork in this heat.
    I'm down 5 pounds but I'm sure it's just water. My goal is to get back to work in the fall. I have 60 pounds to lose before September. 😁


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