Joshua Weissman makes a Spicy Mortadella Flatbread on the Gozney Arc XL

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41 replies
  1. @JohnnyRoberts2008
    @JohnnyRoberts2008 says:

    Three weeks after my order for an ARC XL that is supposed to ship in “2-3 days”. Not shipped. Poor communication, while my inbox is full of “Summer Sale” ads and a reminder to register my oven. Thinking this is a classic over promise under deliver fail. Did I make a mistake Gozney?

  2. @nancyl9678
    @nancyl9678 says:

    I've seen many reels on this delicious sandwich/pizza but couldn't find a complete recipe…til now when Josh comes to the rescue!!! It had to be you Josh!!! Thank you to the heavens and Gozney!

  3. @borbetomagus
    @borbetomagus says:

    A great looking sandwich, but I think Josh would have liked it even more if he had used Pizza Baciata instead of his flatbread, though it's more effort.
    See 'Pizza Doppia Sfoglia Leggerissima – 80% D'Idratazione – Ricetta Completa'. It's a double layer, high hydration dough that has very crunchy results.

  4. @mp4213
    @mp4213 says:

    Love your show but you ruined mortadella. Take the asian spice out and make chili crisp with pepperoncini calabrese. No need for sny thing else

  5. @olivero.7521
    @olivero.7521 says:

    May I suggest putting the hot oil only on the dry ingredients of your chilli oil first and later add your liquids. Also once oil added, do NOT stir. This way you extract more flavor and your oil gets that beautiful red color. Just different procedure. Thanks though for the whole recipe, great idea!


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