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Hi Everyone! Welcome back! It’s been a while since I’ve done an extreme grocery budget challenge. I went to my local Japanese market and picked up $20 …

42 replies
  1. Maria Hutchinson
    Maria Hutchinson says:

    𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄➜ hotslut.live/572xxxnudeblondemy

    !❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。

  2. Shanon Dean
    Shanon Dean says:

    B.e.S.T f'u''l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's — L—o—V—e—S—e-X——— .❤️⤵️ PRIVATE SNAP :hotslut.live/xxxromantic489camm0del


  3. Iheart2cook
    Iheart2cook says:

    Loved this video. My kids will love the ramen. Thank you for that. Can you please share where you got the adorable pink cat bowl? God bless and be safe 🙏🏼❤️

  4. Teresa Yb.
    Teresa Yb. says:

    I just wanted to say hello. Our lives are very different. I'm a mother of 5 living in the midwest. We are raising our kids on 20 acres. We eat meat, though we grow much of it here ourselves in the nicest way possible. I started running right before the pandemic as a personal challenge, so we have that in common, but I stick with about 12-15 miles a week. I found your channel because of the budget content, and I love it. I appreciate you and have been enjoying your videos a lot of the last few days. Thank you for sharing and teaching. (and I love cats!).

  5. trinhwin
    trinhwin says:

    regarding your comment about cabbage/cabbage rolls: i'm vietnamese and i grew up eating cabbage rolls filled with pork and they would be tied with a green onion (idk why but i always loved this detail lol). but we would make it in a broth and eat it like a soup with rice on the side. just another idea on how to utilize cabbage! i'm definitely going to try making my vietnamese cabbage rolls with tofu next time tho!!

  6. Carlie M
    Carlie M says:

    I really appreciate your creativity in coming up with different dishes and cuisines (I’m creating a sort of folder to collate the ones I want to keep)

  7. K L
    K L says:

    Loved the ramen soup base idea! Also, asians wash their rice three times. it's very dirty. you should bc of arsenic levels as well. also use the knuckle method to measure so you don't have to dirty a measuring cup. PS: I love your channel.

  8. Jadon Pierce
    Jadon Pierce says:

    Loved this Japanese inspired video. I lived overseas for 7 years so I’m always picking up specialty items to make so my husband my son, and I can enjoy the food and reminisce about our time spent in those areas. We lived in Japan, Korea, and Singapore. So how about Korean inspired or Indian, Malaysia, or Chinese inspired.

  9. The Wooden Spoon
    The Wooden Spoon says:

    I really enjoy watching you do rice cooking of any kind and your bean cooking of any kind. I focus on beans and rice a lot.I must admit you are amazingly creative with cooking and doing it on a budget. Im not vegan or vegetarian but I am learning so much from your channel. You are an inspiration!

  10. Susan Bartlett
    Susan Bartlett says:

    Oooh. Punishment tofu! Had always wondered what those little jackets were on Japanese food that I've seen – I had assumed they were some kind of omelette fandango – really quite fancied trying those – with a little bit of spiced up soy sauce to dip into. You did really well making the most of what, at first glance, seemed quite a frugal array of ingredients – the power of the pantry spices and wotnots – or less is more heehee. Enjoyed this. Thankyou. Happy weekend.

  11. Jennifer Kays
    Jennifer Kays says:

    These ideas are awesome! I love Japanese flavors/cuisine. I wish I had a Japanese market near me. In my town, I only have a Walmart and Save-a-Lot (local discount store). Luckily, you can get some things on Amazon like nori and togarashi.

  12. Danielle Wu
    Danielle Wu says:

    Rochelle, you are really onto something here with this content. Would love to see you do the same thing at every ethnic grocery market you have available in your area. Holy cow, I just realized that your area is my area! I also shop at that store. Yay and hooray!

  13. Eileen Thomas
    Eileen Thomas says:

    I laughed out loud on that one ,I read some where drinking more water helps with leg cramps I don't get them any more it seemed to help me, That's what I did we went to our H Mart i spent 73 dollars mostly on there nicely sliced special meats for my guy, your groceries look fun and yummy to me, good luck. have a great weekend.

  14. Susan Kemp
    Susan Kemp says:

    I love this idea! We have an Asian hypermarket nearby but I have only purchased canned lychee or some fresh vegetables because I don’t know how to use many of the ingredients. You gave me some great ideas!

  15. Sikun
    Sikun says:

    Thanks for giving me such a wonderful idea to clean up my fridge & freezer! I'm going to do a Napa cabbage roll with pinto beans, carrot, celery, mushroom, and potato cubes to use everything up before my grocery next week! 😀


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