Japanese Cheese Cake / Basic Newly Improved Recipe

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50 replies
  1. Michael Lim
    Michael Lim says:

    The key to success is to follow the exact ingredients as given, without altering or replacing the ingredients before succeeding baking it. These are pretty basic ingredients you can find easy. If you insist to alter and replace any ingredients for whatever reason you may have, then you are on your own risk. I will not answer any comment regarding substitute ingredients, only until you successfully mastered this recipe. One thing I learned from my experience on youtube is that many people seems to have difficulty following instructions.
    There are many information and instructions in this video. So please watch carefully. For those passionate bakers who are discipline enough to watch through the video, I guarantee you will succeed. From there on, you can take this recipe to another whole new level by adding flavours and etc. This is a basic Japanese Cheese Cake recipe for people who likes to try at home. It is an improved version then my previous Japanese cheese cake video. The baking method will surely helps to prevent cracks and give you a nice brown top. Mind you you also have to take your mixing skill to an account. Bad mixing skill will cause you to fail too.
    I tried my very best to be as clear as possible showing you step by step instructions, hopefully even beginners can follow too. If this video can’t help you to succeed baking this recipe, then I don’t know what can. Good luck and success. Happy baking to you all.

  2. J Ley
    J Ley says:

    Thanks for sharing, great Recipe. It worked out really nicely.
    Even though i used "Quark" instead of Cream Cheese.
    I'll try more of your instructable videos.

    Da kann man echt nicht meckern : )

  3. Alma Villegas
    Alma Villegas says:

    Voy a tratar de hacerlo mañana que mi hijo cumple años,y el me puso este video para que se lo haga,a ver qué tal me sale,saludos desde Monterrey N L México 👋🙋‍♀️

  4. Natasha
    Natasha says:

    For those cakes that didn't rise (*cough cough* like mine… heh), there's a way for it to still taste delicious without wasting the recipe! I had done the first baking process: 20 minutes at 120 C or 250 F with no rise of the cake at all. I decided to just continue to the 2nd baking process to see what would happen: 15 minutes at 150 C or 300 C with a tiny bit of rise but not too much. So then I decided… whatever let me just continue cooking for another 25 minutes and then raise the temp to 350 F for another 20 minutes for the cake to brown on the top. The cake actually cooked though but never got higher, still honestly so delicious! The key is following the strict instructions of beating the egg whites will for sure make the BIGGEST difference! Good luck on your baking adventures everyone 🙂

  5. jlin74
    jlin74 says:

    HI Michael. Thanks for the recipe. I made it using a different cake pan a couple of times already. Tastes great. but not as good looking. So I wanna get the pan you used. I know it's 18 cm in diameter, what about the depth? 7.5cm? or 10cm?

  6. Julia Muñoz Martinez
    Julia Muñoz Martinez says:

    Hello! We tried your recipe thoroughly and when baking the cake didn't grow as much as yours. Any recommendation for the next time? Maybe it is because the oven doesn't reach the proper temperature? Thank you very much for your uploading this recipe and your time <3

    MARIA HARRIS says:

    Made 2nd one and I have same problem… a bit cracked and wrinkly on top. Is it because I use 2% milk, instead of full milk? Is it because I folded the butter too much or not enough folding? Is it because I mix the egg white long enough to make firm peak? Mine looks like firm peak to me 🙂
    Anyone with answer? Thanks in advance.

  8. Melanie Vu
    Melanie Vu says:

    Please, can someone tell me what is the reason that my cake didn’t rise up. It came out tasting good, but didn’t rise up and the top is no t brown at all. I followed exactly steps but failed at the end. Could it be my oven is not hot enough?

  9. John Cspine
    John Cspine says:

    If you want to scale up to an 8 x 3 inch pan, and use a whole 8oz 226g bar of cream cheese, here are the equivalents. Since the recipe calls for 140 grams, if you divide/multiply it out, you multiply by 1.61 to get 226. Multiply all other ingredients and you get
    97 g milk
    226 g cream cheese
    64 g butter
    80 g flour
    24 g corn starch
    About eight eggs
    160 g sugar.

    I had to increase cooking times and temps and change to convection after the first 15 minutes at the higher temp to get it to brown. Also, I added a parchment collar to the sides that was just slightly higher, and you have maybe too much batter, but, I fit 98% of it in, and it’s risen above the pan nicely.

  10. Berenice Barron
    Berenice Barron says:

    Varían mucho los hornos.. Después de algunas pruebas el mio lo tuve que precalentar a 160 subir a 200 grados centigrados ya con el pastel adentro y después bajar a 160 el resto de la cocción y si quedó

  11. J P
    J P says:

    Damn it, tried to make this for the second time and failed again lol. Can't get it to rise like it should so it's not as airy and jiggly. But hey, at least it still tastes good


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