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37 replies
  1. Teacher Lynn
    Teacher Lynn says:

    One more thing that is never metioned–I have eaten WFPB many times and I still get so constipated. I know hard to believe, but true. I think it is because I get a ton of mucous that is in the form of post nasal drip that goes into my stomach and intestines and seems to gum things upβ€”no matter how much fiber I get from the WFPB food. Eating a tiny bit of fermented foods in the form of sauerkraut changed this and gave me great bowels. You don’t need much and it really helps and I also take unmodified potato starch. Small change in diet but BIG change in bowels. Best thing I ever did.

  2. L B
    L B says:

    When he said he didn’t get wax in his ears, I just realized that’s been true for me too! I also stopped having urinary leaks. I make sure to take ground flax I make myself and always put it in smoothies or oatmeal daily. I will never go back to the SAD diet

  3. Teacher Lynn
    Teacher Lynn says:

    I really like these four people (the other two come in @17:54. I wish I had help and community like they do and do not have these troubling food addictions. WOW!!! Ben lost 70 pounds himself and Dottie had a stroke and cancer and came back. God Bless all four of you and thank you Chef AJ for letting the spouses come in and talk also. Like to see the receipe for Ben’s bean soup…. Not only are these four people healthy but they are happy….they make me happy to listen to them.

  4. Teacher Lynn
    Teacher Lynn says:

    Thank you Chef AJ. My wife is bed bound and very sick. We are both over 65 years old. I have lost 40 pounds and now I am just fat and NOT OBESE anymore. But I stay at the weight which is borderline of obesity. My problem is food addiction. I go totally on the diet but it only lasts 10-20 days and then I falter. I feel great, I lose weight, I detox and then…. To stay on full-bore I need to eat the same thing everyday and never vary. I have seen you talk about that in your videos. Next year I am not coming off no matter what. You are amazing and without any disrespect to my wife (that I love and need like air) you look very healthy and young. Any advice. Cannot wait to see this video with my wife. SOFAS No salt, oil, flour, alcohol, sugar and I hope I have that right.

  5. Jaleen Davis
    Jaleen Davis says:

    Wonderful interview! Thank you for sharing your stories! I'm 56, follow this program and feel great! My spouse and family support me (πŸ™) but they are not interested in getting healthy. How do I find friends like the two of you in my area?

  6. Michele Scott Duvauchelle
    Michele Scott Duvauchelle says:

    How inspiring ! Thank you AJ for this interview which reinforced my still a bit shaky switch to a WFPB lifestyle at 69….today at close to 71, I lost over 20 pounds effortlessly, I feel healthier, in control, I exercise, I am calmer and am able to appreciate the beauty of this life with my family and friends. I can only hope many more will join this "Lifestyle Change"….bless you all

  7. richardprsn9
    richardprsn9 says:

    Thanx for another free great episode CHEF AJ! THANX 4 ALL U DO!πŸ’―πŸ§‘ MURRY CRIZMIZ!πŸŽ„ πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚
    FRICKIN LUV U PEOPLE πŸ’š πŸ₯” πŸ₯¦ πŸ§„ πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒβœŒπŸ€—πŸ₯°πŸ₯³

  8. Charlotte Vale
    Charlotte Vale says:

    Such attractive, mentally sharp, interesting and vibrant people!!! My 95 yr old parents are still here & I am thankful but I know what a better quality of life they could have with a plant-based, nutrient-dense diet instead of placing your faith in pills and docs. I know this 68 yr old is STICKING WITH IT πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ‘


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