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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing another day at home with us on our homestead! #pantrychallenge …

30 replies
  1. Rachel Bolick
    Rachel Bolick says:

    My husband has to wake up at 3 Monday-Thursday sometimes on Friday too. He works at 4 and I have to get up at that time to make sure he’s up because he doesn’t wake up to alarms. It’s good practice for when I start my new job I have to wake up at 4:30 every morning because I will have to work at 6. Your meal looks amazing ❤️

  2. Annie Lumm
    Annie Lumm says:

    Did all the shopping $250 for one month human food, fur baby food, house hold needs for 2 humans and 3 fur brats for one month! And I already know what we are resaving for. Our Ruby Doo had surgery yesterday for a hernia oh my goodness thank goodness for savings. Now to return the savings back and more I hope lol. Also believe I got extra becuz we found a couple Xtra good meals at Aldi. Red bag chicken strips and teriyaki chicken…only cuz I saw egg rolls in the freezer 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Yvette & Gerry
    Yvette & Gerry says:

    Beautiful bread ! I need a Dutch oven . Love pork loin and tenderloin that would be good on rice . Animals are very smart . I keep a list on the fridge . Great dinner 🍽️ ! ❄️☃️❄️👏

  4. Betsy Smith
    Betsy Smith says:

    We have a 17 year old Yorkie, and he sleeps a lot. For the last 3 nights in a row, he has been up all night pacing, going to the door, and basically super unsettled. I take him out, and he stands on the porch, walks around, and looks everywhere. This is very abnormal behavior for him. We live in Montana, and it is cold at night. For him to be up wanting to go in and out in the cold is very strange! I hope you were able to get some rest. Everything looked delicious. I have a pork loin in the freezer, I think I will try the cranberry orange pork loin out! Thank you for sharing! God bless all!

  5. Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee says:

    I would also be concerned if my dogs were acting unsettled like that. They feel things and know things. My cat was all worried last night with all the bad winds and it was also super cold here, about zero. Guess he heard things flying around and hitting the house. Animals are SO smart!! WHO could resist homemade bread?? YUM! Love your videos and love you!!

  6. pjb2773
    pjb2773 says:

    I love the typing curriculum. In so many schools today kids are given a laptop to work on but they're hunting and pecking with two fingers. Teaching them at a young age when their brains are most absorbent makes a lot more sense.

  7. Pam Yoder
    Pam Yoder says:

    I enjoy your daily videos. I love making bread, rolls, bagels, etc., and I look forward to making your Amish bread. I don’t know how I haven’t seen that recipe, especially with Amish in my blood.

  8. Kathy Cunningham
    Kathy Cunningham says:

    Good morning Tiffany,
    So how was the pork n it’s flavor? Maybe you said it and I missed it, 😟. We brought are lacking sleep. This last week has been a rough one…if I got 3 hours a night, it was a lot.
    Hope you were able to and with your not fully over being sick, your body surely needs sleep n rest.
    Glad your pb n j and chia turned out as well as your breads and banana donuts. The kids eating up the bread tells us how delicious it is, yum.
    You take care. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a fantastic and blessed Saturday….

  9. Mrs. Alma Trumble
    Mrs. Alma Trumble says:

    God bless you and have a wonderful weekend! Make this a good Saturday filled with kindness, and all your heart desires will be yours in time. Have a Beautiful and Blessed day and weekend. See you next video. Stay safe and healthy. God Bless.


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