It's finally back at our Costco! It's A HAUL! Shop with Us!

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After a two years, we finally have it back at our Costco. Little things or big things. It was definitely a haul this week at Costco as the …

45 replies
  1. Jim Fantazzia
    Jim Fantazzia says:

    Pro tip, get an electrician to your house, have them hook up a transfer switch, this will allow you to pick up to 10 different appliances to power with the generator, they will hard wire those into the transfer box, you then only have to hook up one single cable to the transfer box inlet on side of house, no more running extension cords and pulling out applaiances to get to the plugs.

  2. Chase Millsap
    Chase Millsap says:

    I bet that Fort Wayne warehouse had gotten lots & lots of other members wanting that lower salt bacon. Other warehouses especially in the Midwest Region seem to have either been receiving it most of the time or maybe the depot wasn’t sending any on their wet truck.

  3. G Ma
    G Ma says:

    Did I hear you correctly when you were looking at a generator you said buy a generator b4 electric goes out not after electric goes out and when you are done using it take it back ( to store) ? Are your words to be taken at face value or is there some other reason it was said like that?

  4. fsgromad
    fsgromad says:

    We just went to our Costco here on the east coast of Long Island, NY. We went to get the sheet towels you showed on your last vlog. Of course, we also got the sheet sets and the Costco chicken. We were surprised to find the LED light bulbs with a $4 discount. There are some great discount deals going on right now. We use our gas/propane generator for our freezers and refrigerator and our solar generators for fans, window AC, portable electric burners, and lights.

  5. MargaretAnn Stewart
    MargaretAnn Stewart says:

    Never have seen low salt bacon at my Costco. I rarely eat bacon. I chuckle in that it's not healthy.really and just less salt doesn't change much. Lol but I get it. Those BLTs without bacon aren't worth the effort to make.

  6. Francoise Dunne
    Francoise Dunne says:

    After doing daycare for 25 years and dealing with lots of toddlers that absolutely loved grilled cheese sandwiches. And us also by the way. I always used to buy the large packs of Kraft sliced cheese and yes you can freeze them I froze them in an additional Ziploc baggie to keep the frost off but I would say no more than two months is about the longest otherwise they kind of get a little bit on the dry side. But absolutely good to freeze for 60 days. And believe me I really used to go through those packages dealing with 4 babies and toddlers daily ! I usually would go through a pack every couple of weeks. Of 32 slices

  7. Judy Rivait
    Judy Rivait says:

    We also have water shortage in our Costco im in Canada I buy those kettle chips and I like them My husband has that generator he says you will be pleased with it we run everything on it

  8. Francoise Dunne
    Francoise Dunne says:

    We have done a lot of traveling in hotels plus taking over 35+ cruises and we have never found a bed in any of our travels from Motel 6 to 5 star hotels to cruise ships that have fitted sheets !! they all have flat sheets that are easy to go through their laundry system and their pressing system. So having a loose top sheet called a flat sheet at Disney is just the norm. We have tried bringing fitted sheets also but the beds aren’t exactly up to the sizing of the kind that you buy in your home and we have still found that the fitted sheets always fit very loose on hotel type beds. Good luck I am interested to find out when you use yours if they actually fit tight like a fitted sheet should.

  9. Francoise Dunne
    Francoise Dunne says:

    Went to Sam’s Club yesterday the only Sam’s Club in San Diego County now took us 40 minutes to get there waited one hour and 45 minutes in line to get the special 1 time weekly offer only of eight dollars a year per membership. We did not see a difference with the Sam club items as we do with Costco and I don’t like the way that they do your own bagging of your groceries and everything at Sam’s.. I don’t think that they were up-to-date on a lot of items and we didn’t see that big of a price change compared to what you find on your little videos ! here in Southern California I guess we are very limited …we did pick up the eight dollar membership for a year just to see if it would be worth it …but you are very lucky that you have so many different items in your SamsClub than we do here… sorry but I think we are going to stick to be in Costco members in Southern California here.. today is the last day that new members only can sign up to get a membership at eight $ at Sam’s.


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