Is Our Dog Vegan? What Do We Feed Her? Q&A

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I recommend researching vegan/vegetarian diets for dogs if you’re interested in exploring other healthy options. Here are some sources to get you started: …

48 replies
  1. Lisa Lansing
    Lisa Lansing says:

    1. Can we see Ajka's boyfriend? 00:16 (he's in this video >
    2. did you guys have any issues with regards to regulations, permits etc? Any tips you can give would be awesome (or links to your other vids explaining this). 00:35
    3. Does the dog understand the polish comments and English comments? 1:38
    4. Are you and Kuba watching the youtubechannel Living Big In A Tiny House? 2:29
    5. Did you buy the land and how much, if you don't mind me asking? 3:00
    6. How accessible/affordable is health care for you living in Poland or anywhere you’ve lived in Europe as an American citizen? 3:23
    7. Do you still have that Thrive Market discount available? 3:58
    8. don't you have a problem witch ticks in Mazury? 4:13
    9. what do you think of eating fully raw now? 4:46
    10. How much $ will it set me back for the purchase of a Mokah Pot… now a days..? 7:02
    11. How much fat can you get out of a handful of peanuts..? 7:14
    12. May I ask where you found your nutritional yeast? 7:34
    13. How do you keep your joints lubricated without oil? 8:24
    14. Do you have some Youtube stats that say the nationality of your viewers? I wonder how many percent of Polish ppl watch you . 8:38
    15. Marmite is good for B12 and other Bs, niacine, thiamine etc. Can you get it in Poland? 9:06
    16. You guys don't eat rice?…..Any reason? 9:18
    17. An elderly Asian woman, who belonged to my gym before moving, told me drinking too much green tea can cause health problems. She recommended chamomile tea as a better alternative. Have you tried that? 9:43
    18. Do you make or buy food for the dog? 10:07
    19. How many days are in a year?? 365! 10:52
    20. I really don't know what Yeast is. What is it? 11:00
    21. What does Ajka eat in a day? / Is Ajka vegan too? 11:21
    22. Any possibility of an β€œAdvice For A Solo Female Traveler To Krakow”? video? 11:35
    23. What I've been curious about is when you have to remove the fridge is there enough room with your window table to get it past the table? 12:02
    24. Do you ever worry about your dog not getting enough exercise living in a tiny house? Or maybe becoming overweight? 12:17
    25. The circle of fire wood you stacked….setting on the ground, will it not get termites in it? 12:48
    26. Is that a Palm tree behind you in Poland. 13:04
    27. Lisa are you and Kuba going to finish the loft in your tiny house? Will you build steps for Ajka to use? 13:17
    28. would you like get another dog in the future? Is this your first pet? 13:38

  2. Angela Gamber
    Angela Gamber says:

    Just because a dog won't die on a vegan diet doesn't mean it's healthy or ethical to feed them one. I'd really hoped you guys weren't doing that. :/ i can't support a channel that advocates vegan diets for dogs.

  3. Avi Ah
    Avi Ah says:

    Wow! Dogs are carnivores! I’m vegan. My dog is raw meat fed. Dogs can survive on vegan diet, but will they thrive in a long term? NO! What you’re doing to your dog is cruel, selfish, extreme…. Sorry! But plain ignorance. Get a bunny if you want to feed it vegan diet!

  4. nemeczek67
    nemeczek67 says:

    While dogs are not obligate carnivores, they are still carnivores, not omnivores. A dog will most likely survive on a plant-based diet. But surviving in this context means not dropping dead. In my opinion, pushing one's own convictions on a pet who could not care less about such things is, at best, not fair. Why not buy Ajka a can of regular dog food and see if she likes it? You do not have to watch her eat it.

  5. alexys q
    alexys q says:

    Yes, most definitely: a 'One Child' Family IS plenty ({; D …! The place is looking really lovely; but, ooh – i wonder if Ms*Ajka mightn't kick up a bit of a fuss, once she comes to realise that she's 'canina non grata' up in the loft ({: …?! Marvellous video as usual, *Lisa*! ~With much love to You*3 / <3 <3 <3

  6. Cynthia Simpson
    Cynthia Simpson says:

    This is a strange question. Have you ever heard of Polish Colonel Fred L M Masury? I grew up in a town in Ohio called Masury. The town is named after him! I'm not sure when he came to the US. I don't know if he was in the Polish or the American military. I don't know when Masury, Ohio was founded-probably in the early or mid-1800's. I hit dead ends when I research him and the town online.

  7. Jikan
    Jikan says:

    Do you know what breed/mix Ajka is? I got too curious when I got my dog, and got her DNA done πŸ˜‚ She's beagle on one side and a mix of dachshund,
    Jack Russel and Harrier on the other side β€πŸ•
    Ajka is beautiful

  8. Jikan
    Jikan says:

    Marmite is the food of the Gods lol. I love the stuff. I buy the low salt version though, because I do eat a lot of it. A teaspoonfull in a mug of hot water is a lovely drink

  9. Jikan
    Jikan says:

    I've a Romanian rescue. She was a street dog and only has one eye. When she came to live with me, in the UK, there was definitely a language barrier. Plus, she's also stubborn too πŸ˜‚

  10. Laura Davila
    Laura Davila says:

    Ajka went from being a little street dog to being vegan and dozing off next to a little wood burning stove (on a blanket with a converse sneakers print)🀣 Good for you Ajka Poo!!!

  11. Paula
    Paula says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed the Q and A today. I was watching a video earlier about a tiny house and the women living in it had a winch/lift installed to lift their dog up to the loft bedroom. It was just a small platform the dog sat on and she was raised up and then it just slotted into the loft floor. Now I'm designing (in my head) something similar for older or disabled people, which could be operated electronically.

  12. Julie Olsen
    Julie Olsen says:

    My dog Daisy is vegan too. I buy here in the USA V-dog dog food online. I also give her veggies, potatoes, beans and bread occasionally. When she hears me chopping carrots she comes running into the kitchen hoping to get some. I agree it’s easier traveling with one dog.

  13. Andrea Avila
    Andrea Avila says:

    Ajka is lovely! I wish more people would adopt dogs instead of purchasing them as merchandise. I will never get tired of telling people this: Don't buy, adopt. You can even rescue breed dogs if you prefer! There are so many dogs and cats waiting to be rescued. It's overwhelmingly sad. People should visit their local dog pounds and see for themselves. Ajka looks super healthy on her Benevo diet. You can see it on her fur. It's shinny! I loved the video where she greets her boyfriend. So cute!!! Great video as usual. Thanks!

  14. Jb Oo
    Jb Oo says:

    Thanks for putting the rest of the worlds mind at rest πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚……..thanks Lisa. Another great vid ….πŸ™πŸΎ… comments tooooo are soooo funny. Patience needed I do feelπŸ˜‚…

  15. grash
    grash says:

    My dogs andersten English and Polish , is not the language is the body movement and the intonation
    Of the voice . Your dog is very pretty .πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

  16. Tracy L
    Tracy L says:

    I think you and Kuba have the Vegan blance right for you….and you both look healthy and well.

    TBH I've found the fully raw Vegan diet restrictive from what I've read andcseen on YouTube.

    The way you do it seems a lot better and much more varied.

  17. Becca R
    Becca R says:

    What do you think about faux meats? There some place in the states that is very popular. They call themselves a type of butcher shop without meat. I would be interested seeing you making some one day. πŸ™‚


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