Is Food Better Cold? – Kinda Funny Podcast (Ep. 283)

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34 replies
  1. dillsnufus
    dillsnufus says:

    Like a chicken parm sub at room temp. I feel like the flavors breathe better when it’s not hot . Tho I typically reserve that for places ive been before and had it hot initially .

  2. Andrew Francis
    Andrew Francis says:

    Listened to the whole thing on my way to and from work but had to hop on the vid to see Andy eat these pringles. Its not nearly as weird as they made it sound on audio only. Its not normal but it aint that crazy

  3. Tomas Gleeson
    Tomas Gleeson says:

    Fun fact. All those cooking shows, like Great British Bake Off, they all eat the food cold. Contestants cook the food, they then send in the camera crew. By the time the camera crew have got all the close ups of the food the food is cold. Judges then eat the food cold. Roger, now that is a job for you.

  4. Ian Dionisio
    Ian Dionisio says:

    I eat my pringles the same way. Sometimes I put them in front of my teeth and make it look like I have a mouthpiece in. Then I flick or tap the Pringle and break it. LOLOL. Also, no one talking about how Roger brings his own popcorn to the movie theater??? That’s seriously some serial killer behavior!!

  5. FurryB Productions
    FurryB Productions says:

    There's a place in Brooklyn with double slices. DOUBLE SLICES! They take one pizza with all it's toppings, then make a second smaller pizza with all the same toppings, put the smaller one on top of the larger one so the crust of the small pizza lines up with the crust from the large pizza and put the whole thing in the oven. DOUBLE SLICE! IT'S AMAZING!

  6. Ryan Trimble
    Ryan Trimble says:

    Just so y’all know… food that’s out for 4 hours or more is not safe to eat according to the FDA. Usually you will be fine but legit you can get actually sick if you eat even cooked food that’s been put for longer then 4 hours.

  7. Adam Reed
    Adam Reed says:

    Dude stop! You are either going to die or willingly signing up for a solid three days of pooping like an open fire hydrant. You can't be eating all this food that was left out for hours, the consequences are going to catch up to you one of these days. Up to 2 hours between 40-140 F you can still put it in the fridge, 2-4 hours and you can still eat it, anything over 4 hours in that temperature range you should throw it out. If you nuke the food to above 140 F you'll kill off the bacteria that have grown but you can't remove the toxic excretions they have left behind in that time. You WILL get food poisoning eventually, its just the law of averages. Play with fire, poop like a hydrant.

  8. SKtheCheF
    SKtheCheF says:

    I'm a chef and Roger's stance on cold food is making my skin crawl🤣 There are foods that are ment to be ate hot and food that are ment to be ate cold. There's science behind this stuff. 😂

  9. FSI
    FSI says:

    So here's the thing, the question is "are cold LEFTOVERS better?" Cuz I say cold taco bell left overs are better than trying to reheat it. And I can say that for alot of food, where microwaving it makes it worse than just eating it cold


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