Is Dehydrated Food from a Dehydrator Still Raw & More Raw Vegan Q&A

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John from shares answers to your questions based on his 27 years of experience learning about health …

21 replies
  1. okraw
    okraw says:

    Jump to the Questions that John will answer in this episode:
    01:24 If you could live anywhere in the world for the best raw foods where would you live?
    02:44 Are you going to make a documentary film about your journey?
    03:08 If you use a food dehydrator is that still considered raw food?
    07:52 How to eat to avoid candida?
    10:34 Can I be your lodger?
    11:00 Do you avoid lectins?
    12:56 Is arise and shine cleanse better than a juice cleanse?
    14:26 Do you intermittently fast? What are your thoughts on it?
    17:04 What are your thoughts on raising/switching kitds to a raw vegan diet? What are the best foods to eat for a beginner?
    19:24 Can you do a video on making tempeh and natto?
    20:08 How can I get rid of aphids naturally on my kale?
    21:28 Do you use Multimedia over coax to run ethernet in your home?
    24:58 Can we eat chinese Qunice raw?
    26:22 You say the zest of oranges are not edible? But cooking shows use them.
    27:40 Would you recommend juicing cactus fruit in the Nama J2?
    29:20 Do you do health coaching?
    30:40 Was that interview with Rochelle healing HSV real?
    31:54 When eating 10% fat intake does that mean fruits and vegetables or overt fats?
    33:44 I want to start a raw lifestyle but live in the UK and many of the products are not available. how can I start?
    36:10 What do you think about psyillum husk fiber? Is it harsh?
    37:10 How often and how many purple potatoes do you eat?
    41:42 What brand of carbonation machine do you use?

  2. linsilu2
    linsilu2 says:

    It’s Linsi (Linsi Lu 2)in Gozo (tiny Maltese island) thanks for answering my question at the very start of this video about where you would live in the world. I do try to grow some of my own food but I usually end up sharing it with the snails 🐌 😄and I also sprout seeds too. I loved the 2nd question about you making a short film on your story. How about collaborating with your raw food friend Markus Rothkranz from The Healthy Life, as he’s a great filmmaker/ex-Hollywood producer. I think it would be a great film to watch.
    PS: John @Okraw – when I asked my 2nd question about ‘Can I be your Lodger’ that was a polite (British) way of saying ‘can I be your girlfriend’ ☺️😍☺️

  3. Julie Giz
    Julie Giz says:

    Thank you! I never thought about the modulating signal I will use Ethernet cables instead. I ended up getting an Ooma box because obhai is going away in 1.5 yrs. Good luck on your move to Puerto Rico! The only issue is if you will be allowed to get genetic material over there (grafted fruit trees) if they don’t have a lot of people growing it.

  4. Галина А
    Галина А says:

    I have been eating only raw plant foods for over 8 years. I am very interested in your information. I really enjoyed your videos with Annette Larkins. She is already 80 years old. How is she?

  5. Samuel Miensinompe
    Samuel Miensinompe says:

    Hi John, you know, you can’t call yourself a vegan if you are using dead fish to fertilize your garden. It is not normal for plants to feed on dead fish, I wonder if you have tried coffee grounds, bat or pelican poop. One thing I have found to be the best is volcanic sand. This stuff is a miracle! In Puerto Rico there are lands that have volcanic soil, and even the fences have come alive and have leaves and branches growing from them.

    Fish are intelligent beings and they are self aware. Here is a small fish being spiteful to another fish for being in his territorial ground. You have to be self aware to own property and get angry at those that get on them.

    Spiteful little fish:


  6. Plain Jane
    Plain Jane says:

    I saw the same show and thought the same thing about that poor girl's name! I love that series, you need to go on it and find the love of your life! I'm over here rooting for you, she's out there somewhere I just know it!

  7. joe downing
    joe downing says:

    John: I'm not quite a filmmaker. Also John:. I have like 5000 videos on YouTube, each an hour long, across my 3 different YouTube channels. I'm pretty sure you could put together a great health documentary if you put your mind to it.


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