Is Cheese SOUP Cheesecake Good? | Campbell's Souper Cheesecake – Retro Recipe

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This retro recipe for cheesecake is made with a can of cheddar cheese soup and I have to know what it tastes like. Let’s do this!

27 replies
  1. Meow Rchl
    Meow Rchl says:

    I NEED a compilation of Emmy not liking something she's tried so badly!!!!
    I love cheesecake, I recently made a Raspberry white chocolate deep dish cheesecake and it was HEAVEN!!! But baking lemon n eggs together is always icky for me idk why!

  2. Matt Lennen
    Matt Lennen says:

    Emmy, this was an awesome video. I joined you with the smiles and good laughter. This is a creative dish I have to give whoever thought of making this some creativity points. I think you are so very curious and brave with foods to try I admire that. I also love your honesty to your reviews of the food. The details you take the time to explain with the textures and flavors makes me exprience the dish like if it was right there in front of me and I am expriencing it with you.

  3. Gayle C
    Gayle C says:

    What "big crack"? You mean that hardly noticeable "big crack" in the middle top? I was wondering there for a minute, why in the middle of showing us your cheesecake you switched to a helicopter tour of the grand canyon…oh wait. My friend just pointed out, it was the "big crack" in the middle of the cake. 😉🤣

  4. joe seeking
    joe seeking says:

    So appreciate the honesty. Having had the soup (not a fan), I thought it would be very strongly flavored in an annoyingly processed way. Must have been the lemon as you say.

  5. Hope
    Hope says:

    One of the ladies I used to work with years ago gave me a recipe that she called “supper in a dish“. Somebody put it in their church cookbook many years ago. You layer cooked ground beef with onions, potatoes, peas, and any other vegetable you want. Then you take one can of cheddar cheese soup and one can of either cream of mushroom soup or cream of chicken soup and mix them together with 1/4 cup of milk and pour it over the layers. Bake the casserole until it’s done. I think it’s 350°. Top with cheddar cheese when it’s almost done. It’s really good!

  6. Ellen W
    Ellen W says:

    I could cry. I got SOOO excited when you mentioned the Campbells cookbook. I was going to ask, beg, plead to look & see if my Chicken Cacciatore w/Campbells tomato soup was in there. It is SO good I can't tell you! Far less acid than the traditional recipes. It is in my MIA handwritten recipe book, a hard drive that should work but from an old laptop that doesn't, and a dead backup (zip, usb, not sure). I have scoured the internet. I've come close recreating it from memory, but something is just a bit off/missing. SIGH (I'm hoping it's just the Chianti, as I've substituted other reds as for some reason nice chianti has been hard to find…but also could be I'm forgetting something)

  7. MsKestrela
    MsKestrela says:

    50s thru 70s recipes were a way to promote commercial canned/preserved foods, and, IMHO abject failures. But they did their job, and many people today don't know how to make soups that don't come out of a can.


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