IP Pressure Cooker Corned Beef Brisket Reuben Instant POT

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A Delicious Tender Corn Beef Brisket made into an Amazing Reuben Sandwich! Get yourself a HotLogic Mini Personal Portable Oven. Use Discount Code …

26 replies
  1. devoyomega
    devoyomega says:

    How can you be proud of cooking a meal with STORE BOUGHT PRE-SEASONED MEAT? All you did was manage not to mess up the simplest, shortest part of the process. What is wrong with people? Brine your own food! I can understand not killing and butchering the cow yourself (although that part is awesome), but failing to season and cure from a fresh product… That's just lazy. You did not make corned beef, you just heated some up. Slowly.

  2. Gotham Networks
    Gotham Networks says:

    Alton Brown was the first person I heard say make sure you throw the spice packet away in the trash but I'm going to give you an inexpensive replacement that Wegmans itself sells McCormick's pickling seasoning trust me just try it I have to give credit to Martha Stewart for the first recipe that I saw with that as an ingredient.

    After hearing Alton's tip I would buy each individual spice to make the mix that sounds expensive but over a long run isn't but once I tried McCormick's pickling spice I never looked back it just simply creates the most delicious taste possible., and it's pre-mixed and inexpensive, one $3.XX container will cook 3 to 4 corned beef roasts.

  3. Gotham Networks
    Gotham Networks says:

    You made this a few years ago but I'm telling you my Wegmans this Saint Patrick's month has insanely lean corned beef which I despise I'm buying the point or as they're calling it round cut and they're still next to no fat on it it's pure blasphemy and it's absolutely ruined my recipe. In 2019 do not buy Wegmans corned beef unless you absolutely love zero fat in your corned beef, which hopefully you don't not because I don't want you
    buying something from Wegmans but because come on fat is flavor.

    I left the above comment before even watching your video it looks like your corned beefs from Wegmans are insanely lean as well.


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