International Tasting: Christmas edition!

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Happy Wednesday! Tonight we have another International Tasting and just in time for Christmas we are off to Germany! We have …

22 replies
  1. tiger talks
    tiger talks says:

    I'm pretty sure we're not stealing cultures, I'm pretty pretty sure that the u.s. is a Melting Pot and we blend pieces of everything together, from many different places not sure we're stealing anything. However if you don't like it you're certainly free to move to Germany or anywhere else

  2. Jarella
    Jarella says:

    OH! I love Lebkuchen! We love German Christmas sweets! My husband's family was stationed in Berlin for years so they developed a love for it, and so have I! Stolen is ok, but tends to be a little dry. If you can find the small jam-filled chocolate covered lebkuchen…GET IT.

  3. Jarella
    Jarella says:

    YES I hate wrapping too! The perfectionist in me wants it PERFECT but I can't do it well, so it's endless frustrations! However, all shopping is done and everything was wrapped as-of the 21st! MERRY CHRISTMAS, GUYS!! 🎅🎄❄

  4. Kitchen Mom
    Kitchen Mom says:

    Frohe Weihnachten. Sending love from Germany. I'm in full on panic mode over here. 24 hours until the Christkind is ready to come and no present is ready for the show. The food is on the way, the cookies are baked, and I have no idea where the tablecloth is hiding. Love watching you enjoy German stuff.

  5. Dax Marshel
    Dax Marshel says:

    Merry Christmas and happy New Year, you two! Fun watching you two creating holiday memories. The Stolen cake actually looks good….not a fan of fruitcake, so it's nice to see an alternative. Stay well and warm, you two!

  6. Claudia Robinson
    Claudia Robinson says:

    Don't you two look cute! Do you guys get ornaments made with your name on it? I had one made for Mark and I for the first time. It has our motto on a heart. Our motto is life is not easy but we make it work. Mark was moved to a rehab center today. It is so hard being apart for so long. In 7 years that being together, this is the longest we've been apart.


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